Saturday, May 08, 2010

RRC: Land or Sea

"The three great eternal sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of rain in a primeval wood, and the sound of the ocean on an outer beach."

-Henry Beston

RRC: Land or Sea

I but you could guess what my choice would be! Yep, it's the ocean for me. The Pacific Ocean to be exact! I could spend all day just staring at the ocean, and not tire of it at all. It's beautiful!

Isn't it amazing?


Now that you have seen my choice between Land and Sea, go check the entries of the other participating Robins!

Linking List (As of Midnight, Saturday, May 8th)

Carly... Ellipsis

Karen... Outpost Mavarin

Monica... Shutterly Happy

Carolyn... Ford Family Photos

Hip Chick... Hip Chick Photos

Freda... Day One

ellen B... The Happy Wonderer

Suzanne R... SuzyQ421's Photo Blog

Jama... Sweet Memories

Ruth... Scrabble Queen

Sandy... From The Heart Of Texas

Mary... Mary Tomaselli's Photos

Gattina... Keyhole Pictures

Kat... In My Dreams I Can Fly

Peggy... Holmespun Fun and Memes

Please Note! Alan and I are on vacation, and this weekend is REALLY BUSY! CRAZY BUSY! Please be patient with Karen, she is updating and handling all the RR responsibilities without any help from me. Be nice. She will keep things updated as soon as possible. Thanks again Karen! :)


Monday, May 03, 2010

Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot #88: Upside Down

"Laughter is but a frown turned upside down."


EMPS # 88: Upside Down. NOW CLOSED!
Here is an easy assignment. Simply find something that is UPSIDE DOWN and photograph it. It's all up to you what the object is. Big. Small. Old. New. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Extra Credit: Show me a collage of different UPSIDE DOWN objects.


This Monday Photo Shoot closes next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET. So you have until that time to get your photo, upload it to your blog, journal or website, and comeback here with the link. Please remember, the link you leave must be a link which goes back to an entry specific to this week's photo shoot assignment, and you are responsible for it's accuracy. Please double check it. NO HYPERLINKS ARE ACCEPTED. Also, please include a link to the Monday Photo Shoot in your entry so your readers will be able to find the assignment and join us for the fun.

Linking List for EMPS#87: Lamps 04/26/10


1. Jama

2. Suzanne

3. Greg

4. Carolyn

5. Mike

6. Nesa

7. Wammy

8. Karen (submitted by email)

Thank you for playing this week! See you next Monday with an all new assignment!
