Friday, April 29, 2022

It Is Said That...

 "It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before your eyes. That is true, it's called life."
Terry Pratchett
The Last Continent
Okay, here is yet another new post, I am making progress. And a new photo as well. Well, actually it's a new photo in the sense that it was never posted previously. And, in continuing with the theme of "new", I am writing this post from a band new computer. My old computer was damaged last summer from a sudden power surge that blew through the house. How? Well, it was all tied to the move so I am going to just not discuss it. It is all in the past. I am trying really hard to just pick up the pieces from it and Covid. Life can't swing back upwards if I don't. 
Anyway, the new computer is awesome.
 It's an HP Pavilion desktop, TP01-2xxx. It's specs are as follows...
AMD Ryzen 5700G w/Radeon Graphics GFz
RAM: 16.0 GB
64-bit operating system, 64-based processor
Windows 11 installed. 
Windows 11... blech! I would rather have Windows 10 back, but lets be honest, that's just because I was so familiar with how it worked. Windows 11 has a lot of new features, and the interface is completely different. In my opinion, it's just not as attractive as previous Windows systems, but that's not everything I suppose. Anyway, we purchased a separate drive for all the files and images I stored on my old computer so if I need anything it's still close, but the last 7 years isn't in my face every time I sit down to the computer.
So, off we go. I have some plans for the computer. Some classes perhaps. Lots of birding, means lots of editing, and photography in general means lots of experiences that will get me outside of the depression. Although, I have always maintained that once life notices you having any fun or contentment whatsoever, it will kick you in the nuts, just to see you cry, but I am willing to see what happens tomorrow. I'll give life one more try. But if you hear a distant scream, and hear an unnerving amount of wailing, that would probably be me. 

Just kidding.