"In seed time teach, in harvest learn, in winter enjoy."
Note: There is an alternative photo shoot assignment this week, so please read the full entry! :)
EMPS #16: Autumn Meets Winter.
In just a week or so, we in the Northern Hemisphere will welcome Winter. We here in the Bay Area have already had a lovely bit of snow here and there with more on the way. Lets say hello to winter, shall we? I want pictures of
AUTUMN MEETING WINTER if at all possible. A pumpkin in the snow, leaves with snow at the base, a snowman with some harvest vegetables completing his outfit. Anything that depicts the merging seasons. Now I know that some of you don't live in areas that experience particular season changes, which is ok, because for you folks I have an alternative photo assignment.
Alternative EMPS #16A: BELLS or
BELLS. Big red
BOWS. BELLS on a store's front door
, BOWS on a holiday dress
, BELLS on a sleigh
, BOWS that light-up
, BELLS that toll high in a bell tower,
BOWS that hang on doors as a holiday decoration,
BELLS that a Salvation Army person might ring,
BOWS that a puppy dog might wear to be festive
, BELL shaped holiday cookies.
BELLS... which will you find with your camera? Show me BELLS or
BOWS. :)Extra Credit: Do both assignments! :)
**Please Read**
You have until next Sunday night at 9:00 PM ET, to get your photo, post it to your blog or website, and come back here with the direct link. Please be sure to double check your link. It must be a direct link to the entry specific to this photo shoot assignment. No hyperlinks! Also, please include a link back here, so other folks can find the assignment and play along. :)
Linking List for EMPS #15: Pizza Toppings.
Now Closed!
Jama shows us so yummy fresh baked pizza, with pineapple, mincemeat, and mushrooms. YUM! :)
Vicki shows us just the toppings, several of which, I keep stocked in my own refrigerator for pizza night! :)
Karen picked up a pizza at Safeway to enjoy, and added some extra mushrooms. I love extra mushrooms on pizza! :) Yes, thank you, more please! :)
Tammy isn't a big fan of pizza, but being the ever creative gal that she is, she assembled a slice of pizza made entirely of chili flakes. :) Wonderfully creative take darlin! :)
Suzanne likes her pizza with black olives and pepperoni. Again, yes please! :)
Liz shows us "what lies on top" in a pretty and festive manner. Lovely! :)
Terri, went undercover, to show us some pizza in the window of a specialty pizza shop in her neighborhood. I will take a slice of that one, and that one, and...
Connie shares with us a recipe for Far Side Pizza. I love it when we get to share recipes as part of the assignment. Note to self... MUST POST MORE FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENTS! LOL.
Mike comes by to share one of his very favorite frozen pizzas. :) There is nothing like making a frozen pizza on a cold wintry day. :)
Well, you guys really did a lot of wonderful things with last week's assignment. We had a nice variety of pizza photography to enjoy viewing. I have been hungry since last Monday, so, I am off to make some frozen Bagel Bites pizza in the microwave! :) See you next Monday, with a new photo shoot assignment. Hint: It's something holiday-ish! LOL.