“An earthquake achieves what the law promises but does not in practice
maintain," one of the survivors wrote.
"The equality of all men".”
I am not one for conspiracy theories, in fact I think they are kinda stupid, but here are some questions for you to ponder dear readers...
In that the quake hit, right under the Trump National Golf Club, do you suppose Ivana Trump is rolling over in her grave?
Maybe she is of the undead?
Maybe tonight zombie Ivana will rise from the grave to walk the grounds where she was buried, looking for her lost mink?
Maybe zombie Ivana didn't want to miss the upcoming total eclipse of the sun, and the comet that is passing by?
Maybe zombie Ivana is just fucking tired of Trump's bullshit and she want to turn over the documents he buried with her?
I ponder in good fun. I love zombie movies and horror movies in general, so I am just enjoying it. But I will update this post in the event of an actual ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!
I'm just kidding. Sorta.