"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living."
-Amanda Bradley

Last night, Alan and I, decided to have a nice dinner at home, then take a ride over to San Francisco, to see the lighting of the Menorah, in Union Square, for the 7th night of Hanukkah. The first candle lit this year was in honor of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka, who were killed in the recent Mumbai massacre. I have never been to a public lighting ceremony before, so it felt nice to be able to go last night. I enjoyed myself very much. We listened to the music and watched the dancing, and when the children in the crowd sang the Dreidle Song, a smile came to our faces. I think we will go at least one night of Hanukkah from now on. It was just lovely, and you left with such a good, warm feeling of family.
On our way to to San Francisco, we saw from the Bay Bridge, that Coit Tower was lit up in red, I believe in honor of the Emerald Bowl, which was playing at AT&T park. I had completely forgotten that the game was being played last night! LOL. So THAT explained the traffic crossing the bridge! LOL. Anyway, in the Cal vs. Miami game, Cal came out ahead, 24 to 17. I would have thought that Coit would have been lit in green, for the Emerald Bowl, but when I checked the official logo, it was in red. Go figure. LOL. If you happen to know why the logo is in red, rather then green, give me a shout. Or if you know of another reason why Coit was lit up last night, feel free to leave me a comment in the comment thread for this entry.

It was a beautiful night last night, no matter where you were in the San Francisco. It was mild in temperature, the sky was completely clear, and folks were happy no matter where you looked. That kind of happiness is fun to be around. Sometimes the best way to help your own mood, is to surround yourself with positive, happy, enjoyable experiences. We try to do that as much as possible. The only thing that was missing last night, were our two little boys. I could just see them singing and dancing along with the other children. Hendrix would have been singing louder then anyone else, and Dylan would have been hopping up and down with excitement. He does that when he is happy. There I go again, like with Elvis, I don't see to kittens, I see two little people. LOL.
"Coit Tower In Red"
San Francisco, California
December 27th, 2008
Early Evening
The only thing I can think of about the red instead of green...is maybe that "together"...the old green and the new red make up Xmas colors?
It's a stretch but who knows?
The Emerald Bowl is not named for the gem or the color, it's named for Emerald Nuts, the sponsor. Their logo and the bowl's logo are one and the same and both are red.
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