A. Peas on Earth goodwill toward men!

Is that the face of a bad kitty? Yep, that is indeed the face of a bad kitty! LOL. No, actually, that is the face of a kitty who is hopelessly in love with a stuffed Christmas bear. As with all children, the Christmas tree has been an almost unstoppable temptation for my little boys. The lights, the bears, the ornaments, it's all so inviting, that I ask you, what's a kitten to do? Well, he investigates! LOL. Their mommy could have avoided the trouble by not putting up a tree, but why do that? It came as a wonderful lesson in boundaries, that I am proud to say has taught Hendrix the word NO! He now knows the word, and Dylan, who you see in the picture, responds best to hearing his name, said in a very disappointed tone. They are great kittens, and for the most part, the Christmas season has been smooth sailing, especially with the new big Santa sack we bought at Costco to hold the gifts until Christmas morning.

Santa came in the wee hours of the morning on Christmas morning, and he was a generous soul this year. I got a new bracelet, and some music, a SIMS2 expansion pack (Apartment Life), a new warm luxurious bathrobe in powder blue. A new apron, which has an original hand drawn design on it, by a local designer! It's FABULOUS! A new set of cookie sheets and a turkey roaster, and a new cookbook from The Cheeseboard Collective, here in Berkeley. I LOVE that place. Imagine, if you will, 600 kinds of cheese all in one room! LOL Don't even get me started about the bread! Oh my, there is just nothing like one of the Asiago rolls warmed slightly, and served with a big bowl of tomato soup, and a Cranberry Vinaigrette salad.
Alan got some new music from Santa as well. The Best of Bob Dylan and the best of Jimi Hendrix. There is going to be a lot of music playing in our house this year. Hendrix is crazy for Three Dog Night, and Steppenwolf. Whenever I put their music on, he just cuddles right into me, and cuddles. Dylan is more of a Harry Connick Jr. fan me thinks. I listen to his music often, and when I do, it is usually Dylan's turn to snuggle in. Alan also got a new brown sweater, and a pair of slippers, from Hendrix. Hendrix likes to bite his daddy's feet, so Santa, and Hendrix, thought that new brown slippers would be the perfect solution. :) Cozy.
It's been a great Christmas this year. There was a moment or two of sadness as we remembered those who couldn't be with us. Alan's brother Darryl, our friend and landlord P. and of course, Elvis. I will miss all of them forever. It has been such a difficult year, losing all three, but they were here in spirit. Darryl is a constant presence in our hearts, as we think about all the fun we had once upon a time. And I couldn't help but think of "P" as I cooked our Christmas dinner. He got me a new stove just a couple years ago, 3 days before Christmas. Thanks again "P." And I already told you about all the little happy surprises concerning my Elvis this Christmas. He was THE WORLDS BEST KITTY. Now he is HEAVEN'S best kitty. Be sure to ask for him when you get there. He will be the one in the tuxedo. Meow. :)
"Bad Kitty"
Berkeley, California
December 24th, 2008
Late Evening
The photo's are great and the cats look very happy, LOL. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas
The kitties are adorable! Your Christmas sounds very enjoyable, all the way around, despite the few bittersweet memories, but you have put a warm and nostalgic spin on them. My Christmas is yet to be celebrated -- tomorrow!
I'm so glad to hear you had a nice Christmas! The cats are just tooo cute, and I'm sure they're bringing you lots of fun and laughter. I know what you mean about missing loved ones this time of year. Still, the warm memories keep them near.
Merry Christmas!
glad you had a good Christmas Carly... love the pic with the santa hat! hehe..
hope you and Alan (and the furry kids) have a happy and healthy New Year!!
Absolutely adorable! Isn't it amazing the way pets respond to music?
I'm glad you guys have had a blessed Christmas.
Merry Christmas Carly!
Wonderful entry...I just adore that first photo.
Holiday Hugs,
I'm so glad you had a good Christmas - and I love, love, love the kitty pics! Keep 'em coming!
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