Elk Glen Lake, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 3/27/2013
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."
~John Muir
Blue Heron
Yesterday, my travels about Golden Gate Park saw me enjoying all the bright shades of yellow that were dotting the park, but there was another color that kept showing up as well, which gave they day a nice balance. Blue. Lovely, calming, quiet... Blue. Just after finishing my time with the camera photographing the pretty yellow tulips at Queen Wilhelmina garden, I was fortunate enough to spot a gorgeous Blue Heron, sitting a little back from the road near Mallard Lake. While taking his photo, we were visited by a gorgeous Steller's Jay who wanted some attention as well! He made a racket! He photo bombed the perfect pictures that would have been, and generally stalked me until I gave him the proper respect and time he deserved. I happily obliged and it payed off with his showing up again, a short time later, and soon along came about 20 of his friends and family, this time a short walk from where we first met, in a small grove adjacent to Elk Glen Lake, inside the park.
Here, Have A Look...
Steller's Jay

To my delight, I actually found quite a few different species of birds yesterday, which means I can fill in some entries for my birdwatching journal. I am anxious to get out and do more birding. For now though I have to track down a couple birds I spotted yesterday, but couldn't identify. I like that part of birding... learning all about a new one. It's a mystery, but soon you find the information and it's like finding a new friend. I hope that makes sense! When the Steller's Jay came along yesterday, I hadn't seen one since the autumn of 2005. They are such beautiful birds! And really fascinating as well!
As soon as I I.D. the other birds I saw yesterday, I will post them to Ellipsis. :) But until then, tell me, do you do any birdwatching? If so, do you live, sleep and eat... well... not eat... but obsess maybe... on birds? If so, how often do you go birdwatching, and is it a hobby or just an occasional activity? How many different birds can be spotted in your neighborhood on any given day? And what bird would you say is your absolute favorite? Tell me everything!
Elk Glen Lake, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Ca
Map of Golden Gate Park (PDF)
Mood: Happy
~Carly :)
1 comment:
Wow, spring has definitely arrived in the bay area. It still looks like winter here but I am heading out for a photo session with a new friend today...in search of BIRDS!
Photography and birding seem to be a natural pair. I have been completely hooked for a few years now and my photography has improved dramatically because of it. It's overwhelming to get home with 50 frames of the same merganser but on the other hand....what a thrill to have one great shot of a merganser!
Love your pics from this outing and I'm looking forward to more. Hopefully I'll have something cool to share later today!
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