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"An optimist stays up till midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old one leaves."-Bill VaughnWell, didn't 2009 just suck rocks? The death of some of my favorite celebrities, a near economic depression, both nationally and in our own home... LOL... I haven't hated a year so much since 1995, the year that brought me Epstein-Barr and the death of my father. I still miss my dad. I would have loved to know what he thought about Sarah Palin. Knowing my dad, he would have been beside himself for the entirety of the Bush Administration. LOL. And when gas approached nearly $5.00 a gallon, well, let's just say I could hear him turning over in his grave! LOL. Oh my, but Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving, and I know he an I would have shared a laugh or two at her expense. Yea, I come by my sense of humor honestly, I got it from my Dad. Thanks for that Dad!:)It's up to you if you believe we start the new decade this year or next, as for me, I think I am going to start things now. I am officially letting go of the "AUGHTS." Here's to the "EENS."-Carly

"Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you are forced to."
-Bill Vaughn
New Year's is upon us, so, let's take a look back at what we all did this last year, as far as our photography went. This week's photo shoot assignment is to create a gallery of your best photography from 2009. Best in this case doesn't necessarily mean the photos you thought were perfect, best can also mean the ones you simply enjoyed taking the most. How you choose the photos for your gallery is completely up to you. You can choose a special gallery, such as florals, or landscapes, or maybe you will choose to highlight your best portraits. It's all up to you, but the photos you choose MUST be from 2009, and of course, your photos can be previously published.
EXTRA CREDIT: Caption the photos you choose for your gallery.
As always, this photo shoot assignment closes next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET. Please try to submit your entry for this assignment by that time, because I close the comment thread promptly at that time. Please submit your entry by getting your photo, posting it to your blog, journal or website, and then comeback here with the direct link back to it. REMEMBER the link you leave must go back to an entry which is specific to this week's photo shoot assignment, a general link to your site will not do, and NO HYPERLINKS ARE ACCEPTED! Also, I would appreciate it if you would link back to the assignment so other folks can find us, and participate as well!
Linking List for EMPS #69: Holiday Music 12/21/09
1. Suzanne
2. Liz
3. Carly... Yep, I participated also!
4. Karen
Thanks so much for all your participation in the Monday Photo Shoot this year, your support of this project has been appreciated more then you know! I am looking forward to seeing all your photography in 2010! You are awesome photographers, and you are only getting better!
Remember, the return of the Round Robin Challenges is this coming Saturday! Our first challenge of the New Year will be... "Roots."
"Food is our common ground, a universal experience."-James BeardIt is the day after Christmas, and I am still stuffed from the holiday! LOL. I was a bad little diabetic yesterday, but it's ok, I am back on the wagon, besides, I am a good girl the rest of the year, and since being diagnosed back in 2007, I have kept my blood sugar well within the limits. In fact, my doctor added a little "KUDOS" to my last blood work statement! So, it's ok once in a while to be a bit naughty.I decided this Christmas, with funds low in the bank, that since we weren't really in the position to spend a lot on presents, that maybe I would whip up some fun culinary treats. I remembered making Profiteroles when I was in High School, and so I thought it might be a nice way to improve on all the usual holiday treats. I found the recipe at Woman's Day. Alan had never had them, which surprised me because his mother was a professional chef. Neat, I could actually make him something he had never had before! Alan loves to cook, so he helped me whip them up on Christmas Eve! FUN!The pastry can be stored in an airtight container for a few days, so it is really great if you have some time constraints, but they are really light and airy when they are first made, so I like them better served the day they are made. When we were ready for them, we filled them with Peppermint ice cream and topped them off with some Chocolate syrup. Delicious! If you want to serve something for New Year's, and you are looking to replace the same old nibbles, here is the recipe...Profiteroles (Woman's Day)They are also good stuffed with something savory like Egg Salad or Ham and Cheese! Happy Eating!-Carly
"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful."
-Norman Vincent Peale
Love, Carly
"Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children they are all 30 feet tall."
-Larry Wilde
Merry Christmas From Dylan and Hendrix!
They are such wonderful boys. They are my gift all year long! They are kind and respectful, and most of all loving. They are my children!
Merry Christmas... or rather... Mewwwy Christmas!
A Holly Jolly Christmas(Johnny Marks)Have a holly jolly ChristmasIt's the best time of the yearWell I don't know if there'll be snowBut have a cup of cheerHave a holly jolly ChristmasAnd when you walk down the streetSay hello to friends you knowAnd everyone you meetHo ho the mistletoeHung where you can seeSomebody waits for you Kiss her once for meHave a holly jolly ChristmasAnd in case you didn't hearOh bygolly have jolly ChristmasThis yearHave a holly jolly ChristmasAnd when you walk down the streetSay hello to friends you knowAnd everyone you meetHave a holly jolly ChristmasAnd in case you didn't hearOh bygolly have a holly jolly ChristmasThis yearIf you have known me any length of time, you probably know that I am not a big fan of Christmas music, but I do have one exception. The bear and his penguin friends you see above. I just love this happy little bear and his companions. They can be found at the Christmas Fantasy in Tilden Park and the Carousel. I look forward to seeing them perform every year. It's so adorable when they begin to sing, that you can't help but smile and sing along!:)
There is still plenty of time to play along with this week's Monday Photo Shoot assignment. You can get all the details right here.-Carly
"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful."
-Norman Vincent Peale
Alan and I went over to San Francisco Saturday night. It is so beautiful this time of year, everything is decorated for the holidays and it's just so festive you can't help but be in a good mood! It's wonderful...
It's so much fun in San Francisco. We got a hot chocolate, and watched all the shoppers just come and go! Then we went by Justin Herman Plaza and watched folks skating, and sometimes dancing, on the ice. Beautiful!

"A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence."
-Leopold Stokowski
EMPS #69: HOLIDAY MUSIC. Now Closed!
Well, we are finally here. Christmas is this coming Friday, and in that this is an extremely busy time for everyone, I wanted to choose an easy, more lighthearted assignment topic, yet I wanted it to be timely for the holiday season. So, here's what I came up with. Lets share some HOLIDAY MUSIC with each other! You are free to run with your imagination on this one, any representation of the subject will do, as will any holiday. I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, so please feel free to share your favorite music from any holiday. Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's, Halloween... you get the idea.
Extra Credit: Turn your original photograph into a holiday greeting!
This Monday Photo Shoot assignment closes next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET. That means you have almost a full week to take your photo, upload it to your blog, journal or website, and then comeback here to leave your link back to it in the comment thread. Please remember, the link you leave must go back to an entry which is specific to this week's photo shoot assignment. A general link to your blog will not work, and NO HYPERLINKS ARE ACCEPTED! Also, please link to this photo shoot assignment, so others can play along with us.
Linking List for EMPS #68: Holiday Decorations. 12/14/09
1. Fredamans
2. Jama
3. Suzanne
4. Irene (No link provided, see comments)
5. Carly... Yep, I did the assignment too!
6. Karen
Thanks so much for taking on the assignment everyone, and Merry Christmas to all! See you next week with our last Monday Photo Shoot assignment of 2009! It's something very special, so please try to join us!
"Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart."-Washington IrvingI thought it might be a good idea if I played along with this week's Monday Photo Shoot assignment, so here is my Christmas tree. Have I told you that Alan and I named out tree Axel? Yep, we did, all those years ago. I think we bought him in the mid 90's. We were living in a little apartment at the time, and he just seemed like the most practical way to go. I love our silly little tree, after all these years, it just wouldn't be Christmas without him. Each year we purchase a new ornament for each other at the Tilden Christmas Fantasy In The Woods. We purchased the ones for this year just last night. It's a magical place, and it makes the ornaments all the more special. I can't wait to see what this year's will be! :) Less then a week to go now!Here is the way San Francisco says "Happy Holidays!"There is still time to play along! Click here for all the details!-Carly
"There is no sincerer love, then the love of food."
-George Bernard Shaw
Aren't those grape leaves gorgeous?
Yum. I made a Cheese & Vegetable Souffle for lunch today. So delicious on a cold late autumn day. It's one of my favorite lunches this time of year, because it is light. It is quick, easy and fun to make. Especially nice when I have been out all day Christmas shopping or maybe out with the camera. It's true comfort food.
How about you? Do you have something special you enjoy making for lunch or dinner this time of year? If so, tell me all about it in the comment thread. Beans & Franks? Quiche? Shrimp Cocktail? It's all good!
"The function of the imagination is not to make strange things settled, so much as to make settled things strange."
-G.K. Chesterton
It's been a week since December 10th, and I promised to update you about the day, and if anything strange happened. Well, for the most part it was a quiet day. It was windy and cloudy, so there were strange noises all day, but for the most part quiet. I didn't, however, escape the day without strangeness occurring...
The first odd thing happened around 11:00 AM. I was in my office, playing Slingo Millennium when there came a knock at the front door. I got up, walked to the door, opened it... and no one was there! I check up and down the driveway, I looked all around the house, but no one was to be found. It was spooky.
The second thing has to do with the image you see above. I don't know what happened, but suddenly, on December 10th, this strange "W" has appeared in the upper left hand corner on all new windows I try to open online! It is completely annoying, and I have NO idea where it came from! Is this happening to anyone else? I have run my anti-virus software everyday, and it says everything is fine, but if that's true where could this weird little "W" be coming from?
Is it "W" for "Windows?" Is it "W" for "Weird?" Could it be "W" in reference to George Bush? LOL.
I have to admit, the most annoying part about the weird little "W" is that it instantly reminds me of Dubya. Sigh. Yikes. :(
Do you think George Bush made some pact with the keeper of the Curse of December 10th just to annoy me?
Nah... I am not that paranoid, but gosh, couldn't we give another letter some airtime... like maybe... K, or C or perhaps... Z?
So tell me, have you been seeing the Disembodied "W?" If so, tell me all about it in the comment thread for this entry.
Yay... The Curse of December 10th Lives on!

"Nothing says holidays like a cheese log."
-Ellen DeGeneres
EMPS #68: Holiday Decorations. NOW CLOSED!
It's that time of year again! Time to start putting up decorations for the winter holidays. I know there are a lot of different holidays this month, so feel free to show us whatever decorations you like. It's all good! If you don't have your decorations up yet, show us the public decorations that are around town, in school or in your particular place of worship.
Extra Credit: Show me an heirloom decoration from your collection.
This Monday Photo Shoot assignment closes next Sunday, at 9:00 PM ET. After that time I close the comment thread and no more entries are accepted, so please do your assignment by that time. You submit your entry for the assignment by getting your photo, posting it to your blog, journal or website, and then leaving the direct link back to it. Please remember, it must be a link which is specific to this week's photo shoot assignment. NO HYPERLINKS ACCEPTED. Also, it would be appreciated if you put in a link back to this entry, so other folks can participate along with us.
Linking List for EMPS #67: People And Places. 12/07/09
1. Hip Chick
2. Jama
3. Karen
4.Duane I will see you next Monday with an all new photo shoot assignment!
Dont forget... The Round Robin Challenges returns, for our first outing of the New Year, on January 2nd! There is still plenty of time to R.S.V.P and join us. Visit the Round Robin Challenges HERE for all the details.
Also, If you like the Monday Photo Shoot, you might also enjoy the Weekend Assignment posted each weekend on Karen's blog. This week's topic is "DIY." Pay her a visit HERE for all the details.
"May love and light fill your home and heart at Hanukkah."-UnknownHanukkah begins tonight at sundown. Happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish friends. :) I am getting the Latkes ready for tonight, as well as some Turkey and Rice soup, but in today's edition of my newsletter there were some really delicious sounding recipes for the holiday. Check them out here. I will have to try them out!It's going to be a low-key holiday around our house. The weather is going to be really bad all weekend, with thunder and lighting promised for tomorrow with record breaking rainfall, but we will have fun at home. Tomorrow night we are making Dreidel cookies! YUM. :) Hopefully we will get over to Union Square next week to see the lighting of the Menorah. Like I said, hopefully. :)HAPPY HANUKKAH!-Carly
"The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible."-Oscar WildeDo you know this man? One day in early December, 2005, this little lost man appeared on the brick fence that lines my drive-way. I have NO idea where he came from, or who he could be, but I know he has a name, I just don't know what it is. There are no children where I live, and no one else on the property has any idea how he got there. It was as if he appeared magically in the night. Perhaps he was a gift from Krampus, or maybe he is a spirit pausing on his journey elsewhere. It's a mystery. I have written about him in December's past, and some have offered their stories of explanation, but the mystery lives on. If you know who he is, please leave me the information in the comment thread, but if you would like to offer a short (2 paragraph) explanation on who he might be, feel free to be creative. If I don't find out who he is, I am considering writing to Del Monte and asking them to put his picture on cans of Lima Beans, my favorite vegetable. He looks like he would enjoy Lima Beans too. ;)-CarlyYou can read some of my past postings about Mr. Unknown by following the links below...Goodnight Mr. Unknown Wherever You AreMr. Unknown Since 2005
Mystery is the heart of creativity. That, and surprise."-Julia Cameron
"Curses are like young chickens, they always come home to roost."
-Robert Southey
It's December 10th. EEEGADDDs! If you have been reading me for a while, you know that I pretty much stay inside, under the covers, each December 10th. Why, you ask? Glad you asked... BECAUSE IT'S CURSED! It's a cursed day in the universe. You see, each year on December 10th something odd happens to Alan and I. One year we were robbed. One December 10th Alan was nearly arrested for stalking, when a neighbor thought a strange man was up on our roof, when in fact it was Alan who was on the roof of our house checking shingles because of a wind storm the previous night. I laughed, but Alan didn't find it funny and the cop didn't find it funny either! LOL. The one year we thought we had beat the CURSE OF DECEMBER 10th, I got a phone call from a rental car agency, the following March, regarding the car accident I had on... you guessed it... last December 10th! I hadn't rented a car that day!
It's an odd day. I really believe it's an odd day for the Universe in general.Don't just ake my word for it, ask Bernie Madoff... he was arrested last year on... December 10th! Now I don't have much sympathy for Bernie Madoff, but I do for his victims. For them, December 10th will always be the worst day in the history of forever. Sigh.
Alan and I kind of watch for the day, kinda like a weird experiment.It's become another of our very own made up holidays. What will happen this year? Will it be something minor? Will it be something silly? Will it be something profound? Only the Guardian of December 10th knows for sure, but whatever it is, it will be interesting. I will let you know how it goes on Friday. Wish me luck.
So tell me, do you believe in curses? Have you ever had something strange happen to you on December 10th? Do you have a different day some time in the year that you believe might be cursed? Tell me what you think!
Good Luck, and beware the CURSE OF DECEMBER 10th!
"Sex is like snow. You never know how many inches you're going to get, or how long it will last."
LOL! Don't you just love that quote? Yeah... me too. As you can see, it's still COLD here in the Bay Area, and it is causing pockets of mayhem here and there. Brrr...
Sigh. All it takes is a little bit of snow to make me a very happy girl. I don't even mind that my arthritis is hurting me just a wee bit. :) Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.In an unrelated story, the Bay Bridge is at it again. It seems that workers on the bridge "accidentally" found another potential hazard that had gone undetected. Scary. I am not too sure that I feel comfortable using the Bay Bridge any longer. Sheesh. Spooky stuff. -Carly
"It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper." -Errol FlynnWeekend Assignment #296: The press and the public always seem to be obsessed with one scandal or another, from Tiger Woods, to Balloon Boy. Do you eagerly follow such stories, try to avoid them, or something in between? Does the identity of the celebrity (or would-be celebrity) affect how interested you are?Extra Credit: Have you ever purchased a supermarket tabloid?-Karen, of the blog, Outpost MavarinScandals... Well, there never really seems to be any short of them... does there? I don't know if it is a much more popular phenomenon in this decade, or if interest in the sordid seems that way because I am now on the Internet, and you can get the scoop in the blink of an eye? My AOL Welcome screen rotates between several sections including NEWS, LIFESTYLE, SPORTS, ENTERTAINMENT and sometimes, Travel. Oddly enough, I have seen what would count as "scandalous," on each of these screens! Can one really avoid the scandalous? Well I suppose, but it can be mighty difficult to do so.I suppose my particular interest in such stories would fall into the "In between" category. I don't think I obsess, but there are some types of scandals that capture my attention more then others do. I tend to follow the political scandals much closer then... say... the latest he said/she said with John and Kate Gosselin. Although I have to admit, there is something about the Gosselin's that intrigues me on some level.
Maybe it is because their bickering reminds me of my own parents, and the horrible marriage they had. I don't know. I do know that I have for the most part shied away from most celebrity tabloids since the O.J. Simpson murder trial back in the mid 90's. That situation was so sad. It was infuriating at times, but most of all it was just plain sordid, and I found it, in it's entirety, completely depressing. Another thing that about tabloids that left a bad taste in my mouth, was the relentless pursuit of Princess Diana. Enough said.I do glance through the occasional People issue, but I don't know if they count as a tabloid. I have never purchased a National Enquirer, not even for someone else. Once in a while, my pal Beth and I would pick up groceries for each other. We lived in the same apartment building and it was just what pals and neighbors did, but the one thing I wouldn't grab for her at the store was her favorite guilty pleasure, the latest issue of the National Enquirer. Period. Not in my cart! LOL.
She reluctantly understood, but I think she considered it my main character flaw! LOL.The truth is, I find pop culture interesting to keep up with, but I have a lot of interests beyond that. I enjoy a bit of a rumor about celebrities from time to time, but unfortunately the rags that start the rumors, or spread the sordid truth, never know when to stop. You know? Sometimes less really is more. I like to pick up a magazine to see what Michelle Pfeiffer is wearing because I love her style, or what the fashion trend will be for the winter and spring, but I don't really care if Chris Brown has hurt feelings because Rhianna doesn't like him anymore. It might be boring, but it's true.
Besides, sometimes real life can give you and up close look at what everyone else is thinking. Just look at this lady's costume from Halloween 2008. It was right before the election and she is dressed as Sarah Palin. This past Halloween the Kate Gosselin wig was all the rage. I suppose if you have a scandal during any given year, and the following Halloween sees a costume representing you, then you have truly made it!-Carly
"The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of world, and wake up in another quite different, and id this is not enchantment, then where is it to be found?-J.B. PriestleyIt snowed last night. Come have a look...South Park Drive at Grizzly Peak BoulevardNear The Steam Trains (Tilden Park)Water Fountains In TildenThere might be a few more snow showers later today, but tonight is supposed to be even colder! Perhaps as low as the high teens. I LOVE it! I am already missing my beautiful autumn leaves, but the snow is so lovely, and so much fun. Is there anything better then grabbing a Hot Chocolate, and watching it snow outside?;) Carly
Update: My local ABC affiliate KGO 7 published one of my photos on their website slide show! Click here to view it!

"We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken."-Fydor Dostoevsky
EMPS # 67: PEOPLE AND PLACES. NOW CLOSED!Let's have a little fun this week, by getting lost in a crowd! Grab your cameras and show me PEOPLE AND PLACES! Anywhere you see a people will do. Parks. Malls. Church. Concerts. Art Galleries. Museums. You get the idea. Photographing a crowd is be good, but it can be a crowd of as few as 2. And yes, archived photos are fine, but, as always, I would enjoy seeing something brand new as well! Also, please tell us a little about the place you found the people for your photographs.Extra Credit: Photograph your favorite place to get lost in a crowd.**PLEASE READ** This Monday Photo Shoot assignment closes next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET. That means you have nearly a week to get your photo, post it to your blog, journal or website, and comeback here with the direct link back to it. PLEASE REMEMBER... the link you leave in the comment thread, must be a link which is specific to this week's photo shoot assignment. NO HYPERLINKS ACCEPTED! PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK THE LINK YOU LEAVE FOR ACCURACY. Also, please link back to the photo shoot assignment, so others can participate along with us.
Linking List for EMPS #66: Under The Hood. 11/30/09NOW CLOSED!
1. Mike
2. Karen
See you next week with an all new assignment!
"When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn't a sign that they don't understand one another, but a sign that they have, at last, begun to."-Helen RowlandApparently, there is a movement here in California to ban divorce. Can you believe it? Now I understand that the man behind the movement is doing this as a satirical statement in regards to the passing of Prop 8 last year, but I find it dangerous all the same. You remember Prop 8 don't you? That was the proposition "protecting the institution of marriage" by denying the civil right of marriage to the gay community. The divorce ban's author, John Marcotte, puts his mission this way..."Since California has decided to protect traditional marriage, I think it would be hypocritical of us not to sacrifice some of our own rights to protect traditional marriage even more."Marcotte would need about 700,000 signatures by next March to get the measure on next year's ballot. A tall, and very expensive order. If it does make it there however, and passes, it would amend the California Constitution to disallow divorce for married couples, but instead it will allow annulments. So, it seems there is somewhat of an out clause if you find out after marrying your perfect someone that he/she is an adulterer or a spouse beater, or maybe a compulsive gambler or any one of a million things that can range from mildly irritating to completely dangerous.Ok, yes, I know this is all being done in jest, but I really do find it dangerous all the same. What if the idea actually took off? What then? You can't go back and un-ring that bell. Marriage is wonderful. I love being married. I highly recommend it, but it is not without it's challenges! Every marriage will go through trials, and sometimes even moments of devastation, but if you are as lucky as Alan and I, you can ride them out and actually grow as people. It takes a lot of work to make a good marriage, but I also know that sometimes folks get married who never should have. I saw that with my parents, who fought every day of their 50 year union. As a child I used to pray they would get a divorce, so the screaming would just stop already.Two abusive people one marriage license. Sigh.Sometimes it's best to stop while you are behind. At least it gives you a chance to stop, catch your breath, think things through, and move forward for the good of everyone. Prop 8 was a hateful thing. I support Gay marriage, because I can't see any real reason not to. I hope one day the people of California will grant that right to the Gay and Lesbian community. I will be right there supporting them all the way! This, however doesn't seem like the way to go, if anything, it's a big sarcastic distraction from the real issue... civil rights.Marriage should be about love.Period.If it's about anything else, it won't work. Just ask the 50% of straight couples who divorce each year. -CarlyMovement Under Way In California To Ban Divorce
"Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; that can transport the sailor and the traveller, thousands of miles away, back to his own fire-side and his quiet home!-Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers, 1836Imagine a cold, early December night. You are out for a stroll, when suddenly you hear the distinct rattling of chains. You know you heard them... or did you? You shake your head and continue on with your stroll, chastising yourself for being nothing but a nervous Nelly. After all, there is a big full moon in the sky to light your way, and you have walked in this park before, many times in fact. You can even hear the distant sound of Christmas music wafting from the charming Carousel in the park. There's nothing to worry about, and yet, that nagging feeling remains that someone, or something is watching you!The air is bitter cold. Why did you even think to take a walk in the woods on this bone-chilling cold late autumn night? Why did this sound like a good idea? Do you even know how far you have walked? A lot of thoughts can pass through your mind when you are out for a walk, and your only companion is solitude. Perhaps it's time to turn back, and head back home for a hot cup of tea to warm your thoughts. As you walk you begin to smile as you hear the Christmas music playing louder, and you hear the sounds of the children laughing. You feel at peace and completely comfortable as you continue along that road back home.You smile to yourself as you glance up the hill to see the beautiful holiday lights that surround the Carousel. So pretty. What could there possibly be to fear?Suddenly from behind you hear something running toward you, and you turnaround to come face to face with the Krampus! Your mother always warned you to mind your manners because if you didn't, the Karmpus would appear and thwack you one with his hefty chains, and now he has!With a deep evil laugh, he strikes out at you, striking you on your bum, and without so much as a "Hi, how are ya," makes his way into the darkness!As you stand there stunned, rubbing your freshly spanked bum, you now know... some legends are true!Beware of the Krampus on the night of December 5th! The eve of the Feast of St. Nicholas!LOL.Like my little cautionary tale? I hope so. I absolutely love the legend of the Kampus. I came across the it a few years ago, while looking for something new about the holidays. How can you not just thoroughly enjoy a Christmas legend that has just a hint of Halloween to it?
While America doesn't do much about Krampus day, in Europe it is a huge deal. According to Wikipedia, in the town of Schlaming, Styria, over 1200 "Krampus" (actually men dressed as Krampus, from all over Austria), attend a huge holiday gathering in honor of the mischievous fella, and carry with them chains, and sticks, and wave huge cowbells to warn of their approach. His purpose is to punish children who were bad during the year, by stealing their Christmas packages and spanking them on the rear. So, I suppose if you have been a good little boy or girl you have nothing to worry about... right? LOL. One day, I would love to visit Austria so I can see this festival for myself! Doesn't it sound like great fun?Were you a bad boy or girl this year?Will the Krampus be showing up at your house?(Insert the sound of rattling chains here) ;)-CarlyKrampus (Wikipedia)Santa's Not So Little Helper (The Morning News)
"When you are special to a cat, you are special indeed. She brings to you the gift of they're preference of you,
the sight of you, the sound of your voice, the touch of your hand."-Lester B PearsonWeekend Assignment #295: Even in Tucson, things can get a bit chilly on December nights. What is your favorite way to keep warm?Extra Credit: What is the temperature setting on your thermostat?-Karen, of the blog, Outpost MavarinWhat is my favorite way to stay warm? Well, you see it all right there in the picture! Dylan is my little cuddle buddy when it's time for bed, he just loves to sleep alongside me, between myself and Alan. When I sleep alone, on Sunday nights, he sleeps on a pillow right next to me, and sometimes, he cuddles on my right shoulder. Not only is it heartwarming, but it is body warming as well. He takes care of me, and I always feel loved. My boy Hendrix sleeps on a chair near the bed. He will sometimes wake me for hugs and kisses, which is just fine. He is my little boy as much as Dylan is. It's cold outside, but it's warm in my house, with Dylan and Hendrix around!Extra Credit: My thermostat currently reads... 70 degrees inside and 52 outside. But that won't last for long. The weatherman says tonight will be a very cold 32 degrees, and there is rain in the forecast for this weekend, with possible snowfall early next week! If there is, you can bet I will post photos so be sure to check my blog next week!-Carly

"It takes 8, 460 bolts to assemble an automobile, and one nut to scatter it all over the road."-UnknownEMPS #66: UNDER THE HOOD. NOW CLOSED!Here's one I think most of our male participants might enjoy. Simply lift the hood of your automobiles, and photograph the your vehicles inerds! Show me the engine, the spark plugs, the oil filter, the fan, you know, whatever you find UNDER THE HOOD! For those of you who don't own a vehicle, show us a part of your bike, skateboard, or even photograph your favorite pair of shoes to walk in!
Extra Credit: Choose a specific part of the engine, and point to it. Label it using your photo editing software. You know... like you see above.
This Monday Photo Shoot closes next Sunday, at 9:00 PM ET. Please be mindful of the date and time because I will close the comment thread right at 9:00 PM, in order to prepare for the following week's assignment. You have nearly a full week to get your photo, post it to your blog, journal or website, and comeback here with the link. PLEASE REMEMBER... the link you leave must be specific to this week's photo shoot assignment. NO HYPERLINKS will be accepted! It is a good idea to double check the link you leave, as it will be the one I use for the Linking List. You are responsible for it's accuracy. Also, if you play, please link to the assignment so others can find it and participate along with us.
Linking List for EMPS #65: Giving Thanks! 11/23/09
1. Fredamans
2. Suzanne
3. Karen
See you next Monday with an all new assignment!
"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other."
-Burton Hillis
The storm that came through the Bay Area yesterday, brought an all new meaning to the phrase, "Black Friday." LOL. Can you believe I took this photo at 4:10 PM? LOL. I love rain, especially in late autumn. It makes the leaves on the trees seem even more vibrant! It was cold, dark, and wet, and I was grooving to the sound of Christmas music as I went to the Mall. I was a happy girl. Black Friday is one of our favorite days of the year, Alan and I just love to go and people watch. One of our favorite sights from years past, was two women who brought a shower curtain rod to hold all their shopping bags on! LOL. They were obviously shopping geniuses, they new a good bargain, and how to get that bargain home! LOL.
Our favorite haunt on Black Friday is Union Square in San Francisco, but alas Alan had to work, so we decided to go somewhere closer when he got home. We chose the Hacienda Crossing mall in Dublin. There wasn't much to see, and there were plenty of parking places, so I wonder how that will bode for holiday sales figures. :( Not good methinks. But I did my part. I got a beautiful new sweater and purse at Old Navy, and then went home for Thanksgiving dinner PT2. After wards Alan and I went to "Christmas in the Woods" at the Carousel in Tilden Park.
We love it there, it is amazingly beautiful, and too much fun! Alan talked me into riding on the Carousel, the little round bench that goes around and around. I was surprised at how fast it went, it totally made me dizzy, and of course Alan laughed, and yes, we shared a nice kiss. Gosh, that man is still romantic after 19 years. He loves me I think. We will comeback a lot before it closes just before Christmas. We have a tradition of picking out ornaments for each other, and the cats, from trees at the Carousel. They have a wonderful selection. Some handmade, some a little more commercial. There is something for everyone. I even found a beautiful mermaid ornament! That made me smile.
How was your Black Friday? What did you do? Did you go shopping? Did you stay home under a nice soft blanket? Did you watch sports? Tell me everything!
You can read more about Tilden here. If you live in the Bay Area, consider coming to the Christmas Fantasy In The Woods. It's a blast!