Sunday, October 22, 2023

Autumn Leaf Of The Day #31


“Their leafy whispers delighted her, and she promised her confidentiality by gently touching the trunks of both trees. They had held her secrets close to their hearts, she could do no less.” 

~Jesikah Sundin,
Have you ever just stopped in autumn and listened to the sound of leaves as they glide to the earth? It is music. And it isn't a mere instrumental, it has lyrics too! It's a love song one minute, and the next a marching band. Mostly though, it whispers of love and the joys of a life lived to the fullest. Of no moment left unnoticed and no season taken for granted. I wish I would have lived my life with as much grace as a tree does. I wish I would have allowed myself to learn the timely lessons of letting go, and the healing and renewal that comes from it.


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