Saturday, October 19, 2024

Autumn Leaf Of The Day #28/The Energy Eater


“When you fall in love with a work of art, you’d die to meet the artist. I am a student of the galleries of Pacific sunsets, full moon rises on the ocean, the clouds from an airplane,
 autumn forests in Raleigh,
 first fallen snows.
And I’m dying to meet the artist.” 
~Yasmin Mogahed 
Just for fun and chills, I give you, Kolchak: "The Energy Eater. It was a favorite of mine when I was a child. In fact, I never missed an episode. How about you? When you were a kid, did you wait all week for Friday nights, so you could watch Karl Kolchak defeat the ghosts, witches, demons and ghouls that came his way? I did, and then promptly had nightmares for the next week, until Friday night came around again! So much fun! This episode is really a metaphor for how I am feeling right now. I am getting my energy drained daily by this election. 17 more days to go, and I am terrified. We should all keep the eyes on the prize and don't look down, I get that, but damn I need some good news. I go to bed every night with such fear for this county, and unlike the fear of the next episode of Kolchak:The Night Stalker, I don't look forward to the next episode of, Oh My God, What Did He Just Say/Do? I don't know, I think I just need more of the things that scare me in a good way, like a show with monsters, where it is all resolved by a good guy, in under an hour! How about you, are you doing okay? Share in the comments if you feel like it.

And now...

Kolchak: The Night Stalker...
  "The Energy Eater"


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