Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Thinking About Politics And Autumn Leaf Of The Day #49

“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express
 their choice are prepared to choose wisely.
 The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.” 

Franklin D. Roosevelt 
I have heard my whole life the following words, "This is the most consequential election of our lifetime, it's the democracy, stupid!" so, it seems like we whined for nothing, because in those other years we weren't fighting the effect a known liar had on the electorate as a whole.The BIG LIE as told by Donald Trump and pals has completely replaced common sense and critical thinking, with voting with one's, ahem, "gut." But this time, democracy is at stake because the education of critical thinking has ceased as a tool of voting for so long, it's now a dead process for choosing a candidate. Will a snake oil salesman, Dr. Oz, win tonight, simply because he is recognized from TV? Will Val Demings be successful in Florida because she is an excellent candidate who will protect Roe v Wade? How about the issue of abortion in states with it on the ballot? Will it be shored up or will the right to govern our own bodies be lost forever, at least in those states? (Shakes head back and forth). I will keep you posted.

The night will tell. And democracy is indeed hanging by a thread!



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