Friday, September 27, 2019

Dancing Like Twyla's Watching

"How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat. Some dance to remember, some dance to forget."

The Eagles
Hotel California

It was the last beautiful flower on the bush it was growing on. All around it, dead and dying flowers, but this one looked absolutely pristine. It was dancing in the wind like it had been choreographed by Twyla Tharp.  I had to pay it tribute. Cull Canyon park was a feast for the eyes last weekend, and I am so glad we visited. I doubt I will be visiting again for at least a couple weeks, because tomorrow I am planning to head to Sacramento to do some leaf peeping, probably near the Crocker Gallery. It's one of my favorite haunts this time of year. I am hoping to be doing a lot more museums on this vacation, but I also want to visit some federal lands and some parks, plus the leaf peeping, and the movies, and Monterey, and San Francisco and Berkeley, and movie locations, and, and, and. I have way too much planned, to fit into just 4 weeks. It looks like there might be an impeachment to hold my interest as well, so there's that! But we are talking about right now, and visiting Sacramento. It's motto is "City of Trees" and I plan to visit as many as possible before autumn is over! They have over 110,000! That's a lot of leaves, dancing around in my brain, like Twyla's watching.

 Leaf Of The Day

 #5 Leaf Of The Day
September 27th, 2019
Stockton, California 
September 21st 2019

Mood: Happy
~Me :)

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