Tuesday, November 27, 2018


"When I am out and it is autumn, 
my thank you's to the universe seem infinite."

~Darnell Lamont Walker

Last week, Alan and I took a ride to beautiful, Placerville, California. It's not all that far north, but the difference in terrain is quite striking! For instance, Placerville usually gets at least a small amount of snow each year, but I don't think it has ever snowed in Stockton. It's pretty mild there, in terms of weather, but sometimes, however, it turns into a true winter wonderland! I hope to be able to do some winter photos in the area this coming winter, because I really need to broaden my horizons when it comes to my photographs! I did a few winter photos just across the road in the town of Camino, right at the end of the winter, earlier this year, and to my happiness, there were even a few autumn leaves, still hanging from the trees! It always fills me with joy to come across a little bit of autumn, especially in deep winter! It makes waiting for my favorite season to come around again, a little more bearable!

The road to Placerville...

And earlier this year...
March 2nd 2018
Camino, California

#67 Leaf Of The Day
November 27th 2918
Stockton, California Samsung
~Mood: Happy


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