Monday, November 26, 2018

Leaf-Ward We Wander

"Gradually the winds became more frequent and aggressive, forcing the trees to abandon their leaves that passed over me like pixies venturing into the night on wild stallions."

~Kirsty Louise Farley
Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

Last week's rain and cold, reminded me that as the month of November comes to an end, so does the warm days of autumn. We are only a couple weeks from the winter solstice, and it's pretty obvious that this winter will be painful. My Fibromyalgia is telling me to curl up with the kitties, but my imagination is telling me to go and do my photography now, while there is still time! It's a delicate balance.

Yesterday, I did some photographs of leaves, left in the puddles, after last week's rain. I love to see them swimming in rain water, because I always thought they looked like stars. A dark sky with bright beautiful stars, watching over me. Shrug. Some people see a pile of leaves in a puddle, and see a pile of leaves in a puddle, I see a pile of leaves in a puddle, and see I see the Milky Way!

Leaf-ward we wander...
Wind through these trees
Sunlight through breeze
bird songs around
we wander the leaves.

~Leland Lewis
Random Molecular Mirroring

#66 Leaf Of The Day
November 26th 2018
Photographed November 25th 2018
Stockton, California

~Mood: Happy
~Me :)

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