Monday, November 19, 2018

A Big Sun In A Small Sky

"The magic of autumn has seized the countryside; now that the sun isn't ripening anything it shines for the sake of the golden age; for the sake of Eden; to please the moon for all I know."

~Elizabeth Coatsworth
Personal Geography: Almost An Autobiography

It was a beautiful, if not apocalyptic appearing, sunset last night, as smoke from the fires continue! I believe the firefighters have the upper hand, finally, and Mother Nature will be helping out over Thanksgiving, with some much needed rain. That will be good for clearing the air, and in extinguishing the fires, but it will also present a whole new tragedy, as it will make it difficult to continue to search for remains among the devastation. And in Southern California, the rain will present a whole new nightmare in the form of mudslides. 

Honestly, I am not sure how much more can happen to California, except we haven't had an earthquake in a long time, and I am becoming nervous. I need to call our insurance company and add some specific earthquake insurance to our policy. It makes sense if you, own a home, and live in California. You just never know when a natural disaster will come knocking at your door! Sigh. I am tired. I am sad. I feel stressed for the survivors, but Alan and I did give a small donation last night, through a charitable account our mayor, Michael Tubbs, set up to help the victims. It felt good to do something! I hope as we move along over the next few months, we can do more!

As I said in a previous post, Donald Trump came to Paradise last Saturday, to meet the firefighters and first responders, and offer his support. It was what was expected of him, and of course he never misses a chance for a photo op, but if he was going to come, why, WHY, couldn't he have at least gotten the name of the town right? When I heard he couldn't even get the name right, despite being told three times in front of the press,  I wanted to just scream into the night...

It's PARADISE, California not PLEASURE, California! MOTHERFUCKER! 

He called the town, PLEASURE!



#59 Leaf Of The Day
November 19th, 2018
Tilden Park
Little Farm
October 29th 2018
~Mood: Angry

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