Friday, October 26, 2018

Lasters Of The Twilight

"Home-comer, hitcher, phantom, rider
White lady wants what's been denied her,
Gather grim knows what you fear most,
But keep away from the crossroads ghost.

Talk to the poltergeist, talk to the haunt,
Talk to the routewitch if it's what you want.
Reaper's in the parlor, seizer's in a host
But you'd best keep away from the crossroad's ghost."

~Seanne McGuire
The Girl In The Green Silk Gown

I used to be terrified of cemeteries. I never went to funerals. I didn't even attend my own father's funeral, because my mother insisted on an open casket, but the older I get, and closer to my own deep long sleep I get, I not only don't fear all things death, I can actually see the beauty in the hereafter! I love ghost stories, and I would think I would get the otherworldly chills, while photographing cemeteries, but no, I have never felt that spooky autumn giddiness, of believing a ghost is looking over my shoulder. I have been in the presence of something otherworldly once or twice, in my life, and let me tell you, it left a lasting impression.

 Alan and I have been together, more than once, when we were sure something unseen was nearby, and my friend Judith and I could feel a ghost, or spirit, or something anyway, sitting behind us, while we were on a ride in her car one night! One moment we were talking, and singing with the radio, the next moment we both stopped, turned, and looked over our shoulders into the back seat of the car. Then we looked at each other, and confirmed that we had both felt something felt like it was sitting in the seat behind us, but it was just a feeling, no specter actually appeared, but let me tell you, the feeling was quite frightening, and I never forgot how it felt!

Still, I don't fear that feeling as much as I once did! I would rather not be haunted, because that would mean that someone was perhaps lonely, or unhappy! I want everyone, alive or dead, to be able to have peace in their life, afterlife, soul, and mind! That's the ideal way to maneuver through your existence, right? In whatever plane of existence you happen to be in, one has a right to be happy, or at least content! Right? 

I think I have come to terms with the inevitability of my own death one day. I am okay with it. I don't want the adventure to begin tomorrow mind you, but I am okay with the future of my natural end, and walking about cemeteries while alive only makes it all the more understandable. So, I will continue grabbing my camera, and doing photos of cemeteries, because I have a real interest in the history of those who came before me!

Hey, perhaps one day someone with a camera, will see my monument and think to themselves, she really loved autumn, because if I have my way, my ghost will be caught on camera, leaning next to a really beautiful autumn leaf filled tree, with a plastic candy pumpkin in my withered ghostly hands, as I will be whispering... booooooooooo mutherfucker! Hopefully my orb or some willowy, misty, shape will appear on a national ghost hunting show, wouldn't that be awesome?

 I'd really like that!
So, I think I will continue to haunt cemeteries!

#36 Leaf Of The Day
October 26th, 2018
Cull Canyon, California
Photographed October 25th, 2018

~Mood: Quiet

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