Thursday, November 30, 2017

Your Ultimate Art

Lake Tahoe, Nevada
November 9th, 2017

"East day is born with a sunrise
and ends in a sunset, the same way we
open our eyes to see the light, 
and close them to hear the dark.
You have no control over
how your story begins or ends.
But by now, you should know that
all things have an ending.
every spark returns to darkness.
Every sound returns to silence.
And ever flower returns to sleep with the earth.
The journey of the sun and the moon is predictable
But yours, is your ultimate ART."

~Suzy Kassem 

Yesterday was stressfull. Trump had his craziest day yet! It was so crazy, in so many directions, that I couldn't link to just one article to cover all the crazy! George W. Bush on his worst day wasn't as embarrassing, as Trump was yesterday. And Dick Cheney, wasn't as scary as Trump was yesterday! If we live to have a history, and you come across my blog one day, you will already know how cracy life was at this time in America. I am convinced on a daily basis that all that's going on, isn't real. It simply cannot be real. But it is real, and things just seem out of control. No, they don't seem... they are!

I haven't been out with the camera, since vacation ended. There just hasn't been time! Alan has been working overtime, and Dylan has been ill, and the Thanksgiving holiday has just come and gone, and that means Christmas is less than a month away, so I am getting everything ready for that, and yes, there are some other problems. Not between Alan and myself, but with our finances. But money comes and money goes. Right? It just is what it is.

But if it was just Trump that was weighing on me, and most of the folks on Twitter, it would be one thing, but add in all the real world problems, and it all becomes unbearable. And that is exactly what he wants! He wants to scare people into respecting him, but he doesn't realize is, is that he will never win anyone's respect, that he will only make folks dislike him, but they will also not want to be associated with you... at all! How many bullies have real friends, and how many just have toadies? And most clear thinking American's don't, like him, but somehow its the minority of non clear thinking Americans that are keeping him in power, at least for now. 

But, once again, history will record all this, and events yet to come. I can't write the ending of how this will all come out, and frankly that's a huge relief. Maybe I don't want to know. I think about Mueller arresting the entire Trump family, justice being done, and they are sent to a nice cell, somewhere, and they out live their lives like the criminals they appear to be. End of story. But days like yesterday, make me believe that we might end in a large, angry mushroom cloud of devastation, because Trump isn't the only crazy person on earth, there is also Kim Jong Un to be concerned about!

And again, I can't write the ending to how that will come out either. Nor do I want to. I don't really want to know. I just want to have my normal life back. I want a truly boring day where nothing happens. I want to... stop living in fear. The camera helps, and I am going to try to go out with it soon. Photography has always brought me such pleasure, and I always seem to do my best work when I am depressed, frightened, grieving or scared. I wonder why that is? Maybe art is where we should all go to, when life gets hard, even if it's only stick figures we draw. I've heard my whole life, "art heals" maybe it's really true. Maybe the poem above is right, maybe each day is "your ultimate art."

San Francisco, California
October 26th, 2017

 Each time I see a beautiful sunset or sunrise, I have to pinch myself because I can't believe that I'm awake and not dreaming."

~Anthony T. Hincks

#30 Leaf Of The Day
October 28th, 2017
Placerville, California

Mood: Sad

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