Saturday, September 30, 2017

Moon Phase Waxing Gibbous 71% Full

"Moonlight is sculpture, sunlight is a painting."

~Nathaniel Hawthorne 

Not a lot to talk about tonight. At least not a lot that I feel like talking about. I am working on some projects around the house, and doing some research into what we will be doing, and where we will be going, on vacation in a couple weeks. I know we have a date to go to a movie in Orinda... that is set in stone... but that's about all I am absolutely sure of. We will have four weeks, and I know I am ready to spend as much time with Alan as possible. He is so much fun, and we always have a good time together.

I think we will be doing some long car rides in search of leaves, and adventure in places we have never been to before. There might even be a new lighthouse or two to visit. We'll see. One thing I do know, I am looking forward to doing a lot of moon photography, weather permitting. Maybe some sunrise photography from Twin Peaks. There is so much I want to do, and so little time.

Picking up the camera again has been good for me. It clears all the head noise and puts me in a very nice state of mind. I need that right now, as the year moves along, and more Trump/American devastation unfolds, my heart seems to break daily, but I'm hanging on, thanks in part to my cameras, and the moon in the sky.

Like the moon tonight, I am about 71%.

Leaf Of The Day
September 30th 2017
Stockton, California

Mood: Quiet


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