Friday, September 29, 2017

Horse Sense Is Just Common Sense

"Most horses don't walk backwards voluntarily, 
because what they can't see doesn't exist."

~Terry Pratchett
Soul Music

Last year, in late autumn, I decided to go for a ride on the road that crosses right by one of my favorite parks in the East Bay. It's a beautiful, quiet road to drive, its about nine miles long, and on any given day you can see all kinds of animals, and at times, some pretty unusual birds along the way. I used to really enjoy it, especially, between dusk and deep nighttime hours, because that's when the really interesting wild life moved about. Deer and opossums, raccoons, and on one evening drive Alan and I spotted to cutest black and white kitten, which as it turned out, was in fact not a cat at all, but rather a small baby skunk! Thank goodness it wasn't intimated by us in the least, and we got away with not being scented, but that was pretty silly, and we were laughing pretty hard at our stupidity by the time we got home! 

Life changed a bit when we moved to Stockton. While it's a rural area, there aren't any canyon roads like in the East Bay. You don't get to see animals like this close up, like we did back home. See, I still do that after 2 years, I still refer to the area I was grew up in as "home." It's difficult to break a habit like that. I was in my 50's when we packed up and moved, and since we moved here, I haven't ventured out much on my own, and I guess that is part of the problem. I need to go on short car rides, alone, and learn my way around, that's the only way to break out of this self imposed shell. Perhaps this is the year to start doing that. I have been well on my way to becoming an agoraphobic. That doesn't make a lot of sense to do. 

I am not really sure why I have climbed into this shell. It's not go for a photographer, even if it is just a hobby. I have seen things through my lens I would have never seen otherwise, and I know my camera made me mature both as an artist and a human being. It has helped me really see my own life, through my pictures. I have a good life, and live really worth living, but I haven't been doing much of that! I crawled into the safety of a life half lived, inside the walls of my house. Not alive, but not really dead. A life half lived. but really, a life half lived is no way to live a life! 

I wonder what pictures I have missed in those two years?
 It's been a really difficult few years, but it's really time to move on.
It's just common sense!

Leaf Of The Day
September 29th 2017
Stockton, California

Mood: Happy


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