Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Delicous Autumn Harvest!

"Autumn. It's crispness, it's anticipation, it's melancholia, it's cool breezes replacing summer's heat. It's long days in the field, a harvest festival when work's done, a cheering crowd in a football stadium, chrysanthemums punctuating a somber landscape. It's Halloween high jinx, pumpkins grinning toothy smiles, the crack of pecan pressed against pecan.It's the first curls of wood-smoke, fresh blisters from pushing a rake. It's crisp and fresh and mellow and snug, solemn and melancholy. And it's very, very welcome."

~Good Housekeeping Magazine

We took a trip to Half Moon Bay yesterday, and it's wouldn't be the same if we didn't visit the Farmer's Daughter food and veggie stand! It's a family tradition to pick up some Brussels's sprouts, as well as yams and onions and sometimes Heirloom Tomatoes! Yesterday, we stuck to the sprouts, and some fingerling potatoes, and a few bulbs of garlic! But we aren't done for this harvest, so stay tuned to see all the recipes we come up with for this season!


 Leaf Of The Day
October 25th 2016

Mood: Creative
~Me :)


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