Monday, July 14, 2008

Patrick's Sunday Seven on Monday

"A good film is when the price of dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."

-Alfred Hitchcock

Have you ever played along with one of my friend Patrick's weekly memes? On the weekends he hosts the Saturday Six and the Sunday Seven. Two Internet memes I have been playing fairly regularly since my days on AOL. In fact, Patrick is one of a handful of my AOL friends who still visits and links to me. It's nice to know I still have a some friends from the old days, can you believe Ellipsis will turn 5 years old next month?

Anyway, this Sunday's edition of the Sunday Seven is a fun one. The idea is to name your seven favorite movie endings! Here's what Patrick says...

How many times have you watched a movie, only to be frustrated by a lousy ending? Maybe it’s time we celebrate a few titles that didn’t end badly.

Here’s a list of, Top 20 Movie Endings, as compiled by UK’s Times Online.

For your answers, all you have to do is list the title of the picture, but you can explain why you like the ending so much if you like.

This week's question:

Name your seven favorite movie endings.

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered “first to play,” a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.) You may include this link in the URL space when leaving your comment, or in the comment itself. As long as it’s there in one spot or the other.

-Patrick K. Phillips, of the blog, Patrick's Place

Here's mine...

1. Psycho

It was a masterfully done, creepy ending that gave me chills the first time I saw it! And every time after that!

2. When Harry Met Sally

Ok, yeah, a little predictable, but sweet all the same. :)

3. Dick

Tee Hee. I loved that banner the girls crated that read, "You Suck Dick," created as a statement for Richard "Dick" Nixon! Don't think for a moment I haven't considered doing one for our current "DICK" Dick Cheney!

4. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

It was a great ending to a great movie, that didn't make up a "what probably came next" ending!

5. The Birds

I don't have to say the obvious... right?

6. The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

"Way to go Luther!" LOL.

7. Breakfast at Tiffany's

Poor old cat without a name... sigh... .

Ok, I know, not too many of my answers came from the list that was compiled, but I have a long, long list of movies that I just loved, and nearly all of them had strong endings. I just had to throw in a few off beat choices! LOL. That was fun Patrick! You have had some really great topics recently, and playing along has been a nice way to finish off my weekend. :)



DesLily said...

I had to smile.. of all the photo's you could have put up you put one of Tippi there! It reminded me that I wish I could go to Shambala again!

Anonymous said...

dear Carly
good job!
Gee I judge them more by the story line... they don't end usually the way I want! Like think of West Side Story or Bourne's Identity!lol!