Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Autumn Leaf Of The Day #4/It Should Be IlLegal


“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” 

~Emily Bronte 
 Politics in autumn should be fucking illegal. Sheesh. I am so sick of everything right now. I went out yesterday and spent basically 3 hours in 100 degree weather and to no pictures worth editing. It was a complete waste of time, and to make matters worse, I have one of those late summer colds, that is currently driving me insane, but that I am grateful for, because at least it isn't Covid. And I'm grouchy. But all is not lost, we are going somewhere today, in search of something, I am not sure of where and what yet, but first thing, later today, I will be in the little red Mini Cooper on my way to whatever comes my way. Wish me safe travels, and good luck in finding something and somewhere amazing!

Let's kick this mood's ass!

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