Thursday, November 02, 2023

Heaven, I'm In Heaven

“She'd always imagined an autumn wedding.
 Russet leaves and black velvets and dancing to Fred Astaire.” 

~Hazel Gaynor

Sandhill cranes are such romantic characters. They dance and spruce up their feathers to entice a future mate, and then when they find one, the pair will mate for life, but they continue to jump and dance for each other throughout the seasons, and their lives, to strengthen their bond with each other. They are beautiful birds, with a beautiful story, and I am constantly fascinated and delighted by them. How romantic! While their life together is forever, they actually continue to work on their marriages, by being the very best versions of themselves possible. Cranes in captivity have been known to live up to 80 years, while cranes in the wild live up to 30 years. I have been lucky to be married to a guy who loves me unconditionally, and who still behaves in all circumstances as the best man he can be. Married 33 years now, I guess we are just an old pair of Sandhill cranes! We could have a worse example to live by. Cranes do a similar dance and jump to ward off predators, which is very romantic in it's own way. You can read a little more about these terrific birds, here and here.

Cheek To Cheek
By Irving Berlin
Heaven, I'm in heavenAnd my heart beats so that I can hardly speakAnd I seem to find the happiness I seekWhen we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
Yes, heaven, I'm in heavenAnd the cares that hung around me through the weekSeem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streakWhen we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
Oh I love to climb to mountainAnd reach the highest peakBut it doesn't thrill me half as muchAs dancing cheek to cheek
Oh I love to go out fishingIn a river or a creekBut I don't enjoy it half as muchAs dancing cheek to cheek
Now mama dance with meI want my arms about youThat charm about youWill carry me through
Yes, heaven, I'm in heavenAnd my heart beats so that I can hardly speakAnd I seem to find the happiness I seekWhen we're out together dancing cheek to cheekTake it Ella swing it
Heaven, I'm in heavenAnd my heart beats so that I can hardly speakAnd I seem to find the happiness I seekWhen we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
Heaven, I'm in heavenAnd the cares that hung around me through the weekSeem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streakWhen we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
Oh I love to climb a mountainAnd reach the highest peakBut it doesn't thrill me half as muchAs dancing cheek to cheek
Oh I love to go out fishingIn a river or a creekBut I don't enjoy it half as muchAs dancing cheek to cheek
Come on and dance with meI want my arms about youThat charm about youWill carry me through
To heaven, I'm in heavenAnd my heart beats so that I can hardly speakAnd I seem to find the happiness I seekWhen we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
Dance with meI want my arms about youThat charm about youWill carry me through
To heaven (heaven), I'm in heaven (I'm in heaven)And my heart beats so that I can hardly speakAnd I seem to find the happiness I seekWhen we're out together dancing cheek to cheekCheek to cheekCheek to cheekCheek to cheek



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