Monday, November 27, 2023

Dear Sir And Or Madam...


“Next time, can you ask him to bring cookies?
 I don't like to put up with that level of insane unless there's some kind of high-calorie compensation.” 
~Lauren Beukes,
That probably wasn't the strangest Thanksgiving message ever issued by DJT, but it does seem to cover all of those who have an interest in him. Notably absent, a post wishing his family and supporters, a happy thanksgiving. I guess "Happy Thanksgiving to All" addresses that, but it pretty much makes his family, friends, supporters and whoever else that gives a shit about him, Mary Anne and the Professor from Gilligan's Island. Honestly, every holiday from now until forever will be fucked by that lunatic, just like it was when he was in office. Sigh. When he was actually in office, and not just another ignorant Floridian with brain lice, standing on his lawn in his underwear, barking at stray cats, proclaiming himself to be Lord King Trump, president of Miami, we had no real choice but to deal with whatever crazy ass thing that took up shop in his brain. I would still like to know what the hell, "covfefe" meant. Did you know that nonsensical word has it's own Wikipedia page? Honesty, it was exhausting having with him in political life, and I fear he has a really good chance of being put back in office, despite his 91 felony charges. 
Here is today's Truth Social post from Mad King Trump...

It's his ridiculous attempt at explaining away his apparent cognitive decline, that bugs me to no end. While in office, the big test was for him to remember 5 words.
 Man, Woman, TV, Camera, Person

Wouldn't it have been better to have him remember
 words that had nothing to do with his life? 

Book, Paste, Mustard, Rose, Dog

But I guess all words can lead back to Trump...

1.Trump has never read a book.
2. I just know he ate paste on his first day of kindergarten
3. It wasn't mustard he threw at the walls in the White House, it was ketchup
4. Melania took an axe to the beautiful White House Rose Garden
5. Trump will never own a dog, it would steal too much attention away from him.
I am fairly sure he is going to be reelected. I think the thought of a president serving from prison intrigues some of the right. We are in dangerous times when that ever seems like a good idea to the electorate. The last time he was in office took years off my life, I fear the next time he serves as president will be no different, and it's not like I have a full lifetime in front of me. If losing my niece and nephew this past summer taught me anything, it was that life is too short to be weighed down by the insanity that is Trump. So I hope I can learn some healthier coping mechanisms between now and November, because the sheet-caking I did last time is just not the way to go! But GOD it helped, and the Grilled Cheese sandwich was the dessert!

Try this recipe for Croque-Monsieur it's amazing! Keep it handy!

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