Thursday, November 05, 2020

Western Bluebird And The Slant Of Light In Autumn


"Leaves doesn't wait for autumn to shed,
 they shed when they are ready,
 bad experiences doesn't wait,
 they leave when you are ready."

~Pushpa Rana
Just The Way I Feel

Monday was a beautiful day, filled with a lot of light, but also the shadows that are so unique during winter and autumn. I found a beautiful combination of lighting opportunities, but late in the day was my favorite time. I was visiting the East Bay, Castro Valley, specifically, and decided to visit the park at the Community Center. It has a beautiful slant of cool, filtered light in the afternoon, due to the natural filter of the trees, and the slopes of the terrain of the park. I took the photo above at about the same time I photographed the Western Bluebird at the top. It was lucky that I just happened to be in the parking lot, which sits in the center of the park, which allowed me to photograph both lighting opportunities at once. I was happy with the time I spent there. It was a good day.
Note: Current Results Of The 2020 Election As Of 4:50 PM PT



Stockton California
November 5th 2020

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