Friday, November 09, 2018

Little Birds Of Cannery Row In Monterey

"And that afternoon, as the sun slanted low through the changing autumn leaves, I remembered to savor the moment, soak in the beauty, breathe deeply and feel the immensity of God."

~Cindee Snider Re
Discovering Hope:
 Beginning The Journey Toward Hope
 In Chronic Illness 

Today's post is a brief one. I have been fighting my Fibromyalgia for a few days now, and it usually wins if I try to fight too hard, and if I don't fight hard enough! That leaves me with a rather narrow road. So, okay, chronic illness, I will play along. I will post a brief post about the lovely birds I saw recently in Monterey, along Cannery Row.

I am not sure what type of bird they are, but there was about a million of them, and they were definitely perching birds. I think maybe they are Finches, but again I am not sure. I did a little searching on Google, unfortunately I couldn't come up an exact match, but House Finches came pretty close! If you know what they are, please, sing out in the comment thread, or look me up on Twitter! I look forward to your feedback!

#49 Leaf Of The Day
November 9th 2018
Photographed October 11th 2018
Tilden Park
Little Farm
Berkeley, California

~Mood: Creative

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