Saturday, October 13, 2018

Falling In Love In October

"May you fall in love in October
and all the beauty it brings,
May your life be as colorful as
the turning of the leaves,
On each blessed autumn day!"

~Charmaine J. Forde

As of today, Alan and I will have been married 28 years! We began dating in late august, of 1988, but we knew it was really love in October! Alan proposed to me, the following year, on October 8th, 1989, and we were married one year later, on October 13th, 1990! Everything went wrong with the wedding, it was a true comedy of errors, from uncooperative, insane relatives, to the wrong cake being delivered, that, by the way, tasted like Certs breath mints, to someone stealing the pew decorations, before we could do our wedding photos... lol... everything went wrong, but the only thing Alan and I concentrated on was he and I, because that was all that mattered! Which is not to say there wasn't a few shit fits thrown about it later, there were, by both of us, but our love for each other, had nothing to do with it! As it was then, so it is now, it's just he and me.


 #22 Leaf Of The Day
October 13th, 2018
Little Farm
Tilden Park
Berkeley, California

~Mood Happy
~Me :)


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