Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Breast Cancer Awareness 2017

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."

~Eleanor Roosevelt

It's almost the middle of October, and I should have done this post on the first of the month, because it so important to do all you can to remind all my friends that it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 
I am one of the lucky ones. I have not contracted this vicious disease, despite having a few of the risk factors. For one, I am over 55 and never had children. Also I am Caucasian and studies show that slightly more white women get this type of cancer, and also I was exposed to DES as a child born in 1962, right at the end of the Baby Boomer years. DES exposure, however, took place between 1940 and 1972.

But, while I am relieved that my mammograms continue to come back negative, I think about getting older, and how I have an increased chance of contracting different types of cancers. Life sometimes throws you curve balls you never see coming, I kinda like to fight against that by being diligent about getting that simple test on time, and checking my breasts myself, several times a month! I'm trying to eat better, but find myself slipping into bad habits, since Donald Trump took office!

Shame on me! I should be trying my best, now more than ever to keep my health strong. You never know what's going to happen next, and while I love to put my head in a bag of potato chips, or do what I did  earlier this year, eat four Strawberry Boston cakes in less than a month, I am trying really hard to remember that one day his term in office will end, and a lovely impeachment will begin, and all will be right with the world! Hopefully!

But to my credit... after eating those 4 cakes, somehow I managed to lose 10 pounds! How does that even happen? I don't know but I thank God for it every day!

Now, here is one look at how Stockton
 observes this very important cause!
Lincoln Center is the shopping center closest to where I live, and it did my heart good to see this gentle reminder!

If you haven't had your mammogram yet... GO GET IT NOW!

#10 Leaf Of The Day
October 10th 2017
Stockton, California

Mood: Happy/Encouraged

Me :)


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