"Sea Change"
By Artist, Mark di Suvero
San Francisco, California
October 30th, 2013
“All worthy work is open to interpretations the author did not intend. Art isn't your pet -- it's your kid. It grows up and talks back to you.”
~Joss Whedon
I have posted a lot of pieces by this artist this year... much to my own personal delight! Mark di Suvero is everywhere about San Francisco, or should I say, his art is everywhere! From Pax Jerusalem, which sits in front of the Legion of Honor museum, to the 10 pieces along Crissy Field, not to mention this sculpture near AT&T Park, his influence is a big part of the public art in the city. Personally, I have grown to love his art very much, and I am now able to see one of his sculptures, and instantly know it's by him! I haven't always been a fan of Abstract Expressionism sculpture, my very favorite sculpture is The Kiss, by Rodin, but the thing that is growing on me about Marc di Suvero's work is the way it provokes me to consider stepping out of the usual zone of what I call beautiful. His sculptures have definitely had an effect on my photography, in terms of angles and light. He inspires me! I want to get better with my photography, and I enjoy learning new things by appreciating others approach to their art! And that's what art is all about... right?
Mood: Inspired
~Me :)

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