"If you were to ask me what's under my bed, I'd tell you shoes. They're brown, and they're still attached to the body that's been decomposing there since I hid it three days ago."
~Jarod Kintz, This Book Is Not For Sale
I came across this pair of tan deck shoes, hanging on a pole, in Haight Ashbury the other day. I named this photo "Pole Dancing" for obvious reasons. LOL. If you are in a creative mood, feel free to leave your own caption for this photo in the comment thread. I would love to see what you come up with.
And Now A Poem...
No red, Yes no?
In out, up down,
Do, don't, can, can't?
Choices sit on the shelf of life
New shoes in a shoe shop
If the crowd are squeezing into must-have shoes
And the one pair left are too tiny for you
Don't feel compelled into choosing them
If you're really a size 9, buy that size.
While everyone hobbles round with sore feet
Your choices should feel comfortable
Or they aren't your choices at all.
Why limp, when you can sprint?
~David Baird, Fiesta Of Happiness: Be True To Yourself
Mood: Happy
~Me :)
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