Saturday, February 21, 2009

Round Robin Challenge: Light Moves

"We cannot hold a torch to light anothers path, without brightening our own."

-Ben Sweetland

RRC: Light Moves
Suggested by Julie, of the blog, Julie's Web Journal

Julie, I hope I have the spirit of this challenge correctly. I think it is to show the different ways light moves, from reflections to light refracted. If that is correct, then I just had to post this photo once again. It is one of my favorite among might lighthouse series, and every time I look at it I just get a sense of hope. It's like in that moment I am standing in a kind of home away from home. But then again, lighthouses usually make me feel that way. ::Smile:: .

Let's follow the light... shall we?

Dark Clouds, with the hope of light behind them.

I don't know why, but I just really enjoy the light in this one.

Shadows have always fascinated me. In the darkness, a little bit of light makes things seem bigger then they are. As a little girl I appreciated that, as a short all growd up lady, I still appreciate that.


Ahhh... The autumn light reflects through the spicy leaves... it's soul stirring to me.

Julie, of the blog, Julie's Web Journal, came up with this challenge for us in a recent Round Robin Idea Roundup. Isn't it an awesome challenge topic? Thanks Julie, I really had a lot of fun with this one.

There is still time to play along with this week's challenge, just pay a visit to the official Round Robin blog to learn all the details. And be sure to stop by tomorrow to learn what our next challenge will be. I should have it posted a little after midnight. Hope to see you next time!

Round Robin Linking List

Julie... Julie's Web Journal

Steven... (sometimes) photoblog

Chris... Camera Obscura RRC

Carly... Ellipsis

Karen... Outpost Mavarin

Gwenlyn... Greenchair

Gattina... Keyhole Pictures

T. J. ... TJ's Photo Expressions

Robinella... Robinella's

Jill... South Bay Soliloquy

Sherrie... Sherrie's Stuff

Suzanne R... SuzyQ421's Photo Blog

CVPhotographs... Do You See What I See

Mojo... Why? What Have Your Heard?

Duane... Meanwhile...

Marina... Milepebbles

Valerie... Rosemary's Other Baby

Wammy... The Ellis Family Cincinnati

Sandra... Strong Chemistry

MollyMavis... Holly On The Run

Monica... Click Shots

Terri... Ways I See The World

Ourhomeschool... Through the Eye of my Camera

Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Pescadero, California
October 17, 2007


Monica said...

It was a wonderful suggestion, though I may not have done it the way she was talking about. ::sigh::

I enjoyed your photographs especially the one of Golden Gate or is it the Bay Bridge? That the fall leaves were my favorites.



TJ said...

Is that the sun? Oh wow, we could use some here in Michigan!!!
I love the autumn shots of reflection and me too...I am so into shadows! great entry...

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love the bridge shot. Is it a sunrise or sunset?

Krista Meyer said...

I love your entries. My favorite has to be the one with the bridge. Great job on them all! Blessings.

Anonymous said...

What a great photographer you're. I love all your pics.

My entries are posted on my new blog below:

I value your comments and input. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

wow! they are ll amazing photos. I like the sun behind the bridge, and those dark clouds....

Suzanne R said...

You have definitely caught a great many qualities of light on the move in your various shots. Very nice!

Karen Funk Blocher said...

These are all great (as usual), but the last two are just extraordinary! I love the lighthouse one, too!

Ingrid said...

Light certainly moves on all pictures. Beautiful !

fdtate said...

Love the Golden Gate Bridge and the colors reflected in the autumn photo.

Jama said...

I love the first one, so mesmerizing!

Sherrie said...

Beautiful Photos as always!! Love that one of the lighthouse!! Have a great day!!


Mojo said...

I think you captured the theme perfectly myself!

Wonderful offerings all.

MyMaracas said...

Beautiful shots all, but the first is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

All are beautiful, but I am drawn to the bridge and that last one...took my breath away. The colors are so bright and crisp! Nice job.
