-Coco Chanel

My favorite things to talk about are boys, hair and make-up. LOL. Well, you can also get me to talk about cats and politics once in a while. WINK. But every now and again all my favorite subjects converge, like on inauguration day. With the exception of cats, I got to talk about all of my favorite subjects with the other ladies waiting in line to claim our free cosmetics at MACY*S. The inaugural fashion was on every one's mind, including mine. I wondered what folks would think about the clothes chosen by Michele Obama, and Jill Biden. The ladies I spoke to have mixed feelings. Personally, I like Michele Obama's dress and coat very much, it suited her, but I thought Jill Biden looked especially adorable in her outfit.
While both choices suited the women who wore them, I thought Jill Biden looked more comfortable in her choice. Her outfit has been panned by some as "too sexy" because of the length of the Milly dress she wore, and the boots which were, according to some, "too high." Personally, I don't see any reason why she would need to dress dowdy, just because it was an inauguration. She is a beautiful woman, with a cute little figure, I say show off your youthful side girl! She was dressed wonderfully. End of story.
It's fun to have women about my age, or a little older, to watch in regards to fashion. Princess Diana was my age, and I loved seeing her fashion choices in magazines. She was a strong role model in more then one area of life, and I missed her after her death. On a serious note, she actively worked with compassion, to bring awareness and sensitivity to those who suffered from depression. I will always appreciate her for helping me feel less alone, and better about seeking help. She was more than her fashion, so it irks me to see someone dismissed for superficial reasons. It should be interesting watching these two ladies over the next 4 years, I for one am looking forward to seeing what comes next from these two ladies, be it fashion or the causes they are passionate about.
What do you think about the fashion choices of Michelle Obama and Jill Biden? Has the critiques so far been fair? Do you have a favorite designer? Play fashionista for a moment, how would you have done things differently? Tell me what you think!
Official White House Biography of Michele Obama
Official White House Biography of Dr. Jill Biden
Hello! We dropped by to say Hi to Hendrix and Dylan, another feline Hendrix told us about you! You are a pair of cool kitties!
Whicky Wuudler
I loved their clothes... I was a little surprised but they were all so pretty. wish I could see Michelle's evening dress closer. they said it was silk .... I woild like to touch it and see her gold dress and coat closer too. I would love a coat like hers but would probably get one more like Jill's
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