-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
If you come to San Francisco, you will see these rocks sticking up in the bay. They are located right next to the Golden Gate Bridge on the north side, just as you are entering in Marin County. They are the inspiration for this week's assignment.
Grab your cameras and show me some ROCKS. Big ROCKS, little ROCKS. LittleROCK, Arkansas, STONE soup. A Zen garden with decorative ROCKS, or how about ROCK cliffs? Sure, why not! A Pet ROCK, or ROCK candy. Take the words ROCK or STONE and use your imagination. ROCK music. ROCKING chair. ROCK ON! Stepping STONES. The Rolling STONES... it's all good!
Extra Credit: Show me actual ROCK or STONE in an unusual or special place.
The deadline for this Monday Photo Shoot assignment is next Sunday, February 1st, 2009, at 9:00 PM ET. Please remember to comeback here, to this entry with the direct link to your entry, specific to this photo shoot assignment. Please... NO HYPERLINKS! It must be a link only to the entry specific to this assignment, not a general link to your blog or journal.
Linking List for EMPS #21: Youngins'. 01/19/09
1. Jama gets things off to an adorable start, with a baby monkey and his bottle. :) Way too cute!
2. Suzanne has three photos for us of her grand kids. Happy little ones. :)
3. Karen brings us little girls in floppy hats. :)
4. Vicki took her youngins' fishing. Fun in the sun! :)
5. Annie's youngins' smile for the camera! Delightful kids. :)
6. Vicki features a baby plus a binky! :)
7. Terri's youngins' shows us the most proper way to take a nap! Yes, I agree! :)
8. Wammy shows us a photo of her grand kids... HAPPY TOGETHER! :)
9. Mike wraps things up for us with three photos. A polar bear cub and it's mommy, children viewing dolphins, and a wonderful, smiling golden puppy. Awww! :)
Well, you guys had me smiling from ear to ear this week! Well done everyone! So, go be PHOTOGRAPHERS! I will see you next week with an all new Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot Assignment!
I have posted my rocks and stones entry!
Suzanne R
SuzyQ421's Photo Blog
I'm done being sick, so here you go.
I love rocks!
Here's mine Carly! http://emmapeeldallas.blogspot.com/2009/01/emps-22-rocks-or-stones.html
I'm waiting for my daughter to give birth so this was a great distraction! Another interesting topic. Thank you!
Well, Carly, you've sent me off on another adventure! :D
Hey Carly, you picked another one that I can play along with. Nice theme, and it is so open to interpretation. Here's my link... http://phototrek.446photography.com/2009/01/27/ellipsis-monday-photo-shoot-rocks-or-stones.aspx
This is right up my alley. I have rocks everywhere. Rocks in my head! and my heart. I love them.
Just posted my entry here:
I like this one! Stones are among my favorite things.
Here's mine:
Hey, I'm posting before Sunday for a change!
Here's my attempt.
I am feeling better too! Here is mine.
Far Side of Fifty Photos
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