"Night, the beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive. When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man resembles his fragmentary self, and grows with the calm of a tree."
-Antonine de Saint Exupery
LOL. Apparently, I control the weather. See, I chose my friend, and RRC teammate Steven's topic, Night Shots, because it's summer, and I thought it would be the most comfortable time of year to tackle the subject, but just after I posted it in the announcement entry, a cold snap hit the Bay Area! LOL. If it hasn't been cold and rainy, then the fog has been a factor! LOL. One night this past week, it actually registered 52 degrees at 9:00 pm! In August!?
So forgive me, but with my bum knee, which I have some news about, and will sharing with you next week, I had to do some looking around in my photo files, for some photos I hadn't posted before. I was delighted to find some that I had previously thought unworthy. It's funny how you can take a picture, just hate it, and go back months, or sometimes years, later and see it in a whole new light. Anyway, here is my contribution for this round. By the way, please click on the black and white photo above, to see it larger. I am rather proud that I could get both the pumpkin and the moon in clear detail.
Night Shots...
A Storm Rolling In
Linking List
Steven... (sometimes photoblog) (P)
Carly... Ellipsis (P)
Vicki... Maraca
Gattina... Keyhole Pictures (P)
Karen... Outpost Mavarin (P)
Celeste... C's Life (P)
Jennifer Robin... Robin's Woods (P)
Molly... Return Of The White Robin (P)
-rRose... Wait-Not Yet
Jama Hameed... Sweet Memories (P)
Robinella... Robinella's
T.J. ... TJ's Photo Expressions (P)
Jill... Letting Crazy Take A Spin
Marie... Photographs and Memories
Or... Photographs And Memories Too
Sandra... Strong Chemistry (P)
Annie... Pictures Of Craziness
Gina... Gina's Space (P)
Momma... Sandcastle Momma (P)
Sahvvy... The Instantaneous Exsistence Of Me (P)
"Howling At The Moon"
October 31st, 2006
Berkeley, California
Early Evening
So forgive me, but with my bum knee, which I have some news about, and will sharing with you next week, I had to do some looking around in my photo files, for some photos I hadn't posted before. I was delighted to find some that I had previously thought unworthy. It's funny how you can take a picture, just hate it, and go back months, or sometimes years, later and see it in a whole new light. Anyway, here is my contribution for this round. By the way, please click on the black and white photo above, to see it larger. I am rather proud that I could get both the pumpkin and the moon in clear detail.
Night Shots...
A Storm Rolling In
Linking List
Steven... (sometimes photoblog) (P)
Carly... Ellipsis (P)
Vicki... Maraca
Gattina... Keyhole Pictures (P)
Karen... Outpost Mavarin (P)
Celeste... C's Life (P)
Jennifer Robin... Robin's Woods (P)
Molly... Return Of The White Robin (P)
-rRose... Wait-Not Yet
Jama Hameed... Sweet Memories (P)
Robinella... Robinella's
T.J. ... TJ's Photo Expressions (P)
Jill... Letting Crazy Take A Spin
Marie... Photographs and Memories
Or... Photographs And Memories Too
Sandra... Strong Chemistry (P)
Annie... Pictures Of Craziness
Gina... Gina's Space (P)
Momma... Sandcastle Momma (P)
Sahvvy... The Instantaneous Exsistence Of Me (P)
"Howling At The Moon"
October 31st, 2006
Berkeley, California
Early Evening
Your pumpkin picture is eerily fascinating. Of the others, I like the Rainy Night in Berkeley best, but they are all lovely.
Wow! all are great but I am with molly, that pumkin picture pulled me in!!
Great shots
Your photos are beautiful! I love the rainy night shots and that pumpkin is incredible but I think my favorite is the orange trees!
Great job!
Love the rainy night.
Cool. You really do a nice night shot too! I know what you mean by finding "unworthy" photos.
I love all the shots but my favorite is the pumpkin and the moon. How awesome!
The pumpkin and moon are great, but I agree with most of the others -- the rainy night one is awesome. All that light in the night really made me smile!
Beautiful night shots, so colorful ! I am glad too to participate, I am again on holidays for a week but this time I stay with friends at the English coast and I can use their computer ! The other weeks I just had an internet connection for an hour !
Ooh...nice! I especially love the Christmas bear and the rainy night.
I like the orange trees the best. Very nice shots. Blessings.
all are fabulous but my faves are the pumpkin and rainy night...just fabulous!!!
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