Weekend Assignment #145: Make at least one resolution for 2007.
Extra Credit: Did you keep your resolutions for 2006?
-John Scalzi (By The Way...)
New Year's resolutions... blech! I don't really do resolutions, it seems like life is too short to put so much pressure on it all. There are plenty of outside influences out of our control as it is, without adding silly unwarranted self-imposed pressures. But ok, I do know there are a couple areas of my life that could use some discipline. Last year when Scalzi asked us what our resolutions would be, I picked something I knew I could accomplish. There is nothing wrong with having realistic goals... right? :) I will share about that under in my answer to the Extra Credit question, but first lets talk about the year we are about to have.
Water Lily Bud
Autumn Egret
San Simeon Sunset
For 2007, I have decided to spread my creative wings a bit. I promised Alan I would start my painting early last autumn. Well, that season came and went, and still no painting. Sigh. Everything caught up with me too quickly, then I injured my shoulder, and here I sit, with a canvas and paint and an easel staring at me, reminding me that time is going on without me. :) So, I have picked out four of my original photos from my file for 2006, now it's just a matter of getting into January, after all the holiday decorations are put away for another year and I can breathe again. It will be one of these 4 pictures, I am still making up my mind which one I will finally choose. I might even find the time to do more then one, we'll see. If you look on my sidebar, you will see my full list of resolutions for 2007. Hopefully one year from now I will be able to claim complete success. He thinks doing the painting it would be good for me. Like I said, "We'll see."
Extra Credit: Yep, I kept my New Year's resolution for 2006. I wanted to create some new recipes and I did. I even started a recipe blog. I only created a few new ones, but that counts... right? :)
Great Northern White Butterfly
Conservatory of Flowers
San Francisco, California
Summer, 2006
Good luck with your goals and dreams, Carly. I wish you success! I, for one, think you are pretty durn successful already...
xo Phinney
Yes, I'm making a few resolutions this year, yet was never big on that before. Yours sound wonderful! Go for it girl!
Happy New Year...
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