Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Arrival Of The Sandhill Crane 2024


“If a year was tucked inside of a clock,
 then autumn would be the magic hour.”

~Victoria Erickson
They're back! And right on schedule! They came in, last week, but we were busy most of the week caring for Dylan, and therefore I wasn't able to be on Woodbridge road to see their arrival. Dylan needed me, in one way or another, and I wouldn't have had it any other way, it was all just bad timing. Anyway, they are here in great numbers, so I will have all season to play with them and do photos. I wish this one was more clear, but they were a fair distance away. Practice will make perfect, I hope. Now if my beloved, Greater White-fronted goose, would just come back. I saw a small group of them on Desmond road, maybe Wednesday of last week, but then they seemed to be gone. They will be back, no doubt, but I could use them now. I just love their beautiful faces.

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