Monday, May 27, 2024

Bread Machines And The End Of The World

And then...

Hey, truth be told, some days with Cheeto Jesus can be a not stop laugh fest! But that's the ultimate cruelty, isn't it? When he was president, one minute you, and by you I mean me, would be laughing my ass off at something incredibly stupid he would say or do, the next I would find myself under my desk hoping the nuclear bomb wouldn't hit me directly. Good lord the week ahead is going to be stressful, but I have a plan to combat that. I have brought out the big guns, my bread machine! That appliance saw me threw some deep stress, and I know it will again this week. I am making Butter rolls tonight, and I have some great ideas for tomorrow and the rest of the week. Treats to make me feel safe and a little more in touch with reality. Because I can't see where we will all be in a week. Will we be safe in our homes, or will we be fighting WWIII?
These are such sad and frightening times.

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