Sunday, February 25, 2024

Oh Shut Up... The Weekend Isn't Over!

“Never put off till tomorrow
 what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”
~Mark Twain 
So... nope... I haven't tried my goal for February, which is using a lighter for the first time and lighting a candle. I also didn't make it to the February meeting of the Lodi Democrats, where we were going to become members, and I only saw one new bird at the Clifton Court Forebay on Saturday. But what a great bird, the Clark's Grebe is! So that was a nice moment in an otherwise shitty day! There is nothing like fighting with your spouse over stupid shit, gas, while you are late and you haven't eaten. Anyway, Saturday would have been a complete loss had it not been for the new grebe. It brings the total for the year to 83, but only our second for February. It's been a very busy month! We are in the middle of painting the condo, and the weather hasn't been cooperating. But forward I move, and a lot of good is waiting for me.

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