Friday, January 19, 2024

Lighting And Timing

Sandhill Crane
Woodbridge road
Lodi, California
“For me, the subject of the picture is always
 more important than the picture.” 

~Diane Arbus 
Sandhill crane always inspire me to search for the beauty in the world, and despite the vile cruelty in the world, natural beauty eclipses it. They are becoming my favorite subject. So far I have never seen them, when they weren't photogenic, not all birds are like that. The crane will be on their way soon, and I will miss them very much, because photographing them has taught me a lot about lighting and timing. I will miss their beauty, but I will especially miss hearing their call, but September will bring them back home, as we usher in the autumn season. Its all only two seasons away. It's a long time away, but I have plenty of subjects to keep me busy while I wait for their return. And hey, I spotted a couple of them that were banded, so hopefully I will get to photograph the same group in the fall!

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