Wednesday, January 10, 2024

2024's Cedar Waxwing


“In order to see birds it is necessary to become a part of the silence.”
~Robert Lynd 
I quit X about 10 days ago, and what I have learned in that short amount of time is simple... I was ready to turn off the noise. Social media, overall, has been good for me. I have met amazing people, shared my photos, got to know celebrities I've admired and just generally felt more connected to fellow democrats and those who share my values. It has made me feel less alone. 2024 is a different beast. I will share my opinions, particularly as we move closer to November, and I am hoping to volunteer for my local political chapter, but when it comes to the sounds I want whispering in my ear, I am ready to just hear my birds, and not the head noise Donald Trump causes. Yesterday, as an example, I heard a small group of Cedar waxing land in a tree above me. I heard them, and knew what they were, without looking up! They make a cool little high-pitched sound. Sreeee or  seeeeew. It's fairly easy to miss if you aren't into birds, but if you are, their sound is unmistakable, as is their beauty. I think they are one of my absolute favorites at this point. And as I mentioned in a post last year, sometimes they fly around drunk, which is amusing to watch, bu I can't help buy also feel bad for the bird, like the time I watched one fly beak first into a drive. It wasn't harmed, it flew off dazed but determined to be on it's way. Like all of us I guess. We all walk around dazed these days, but in my case I am determined to be on my way. It's healthy.
#74 for 2024

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