Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Fuck Elon Musk

 "Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too.
 They live inside us, and sometimes they win.

~Stephen King
I have complained about the childish ghoul, Elon Musk, before and now I will complain yet again, because every single time I think he has hit rock bottom with his abusive nonsense, he slips deeper into the abyss of evil. Just in the last few days, since Thanksgiving anyway, he has taken a trip to Israel, to clean up his reputation for having propagated antisemitism. Because to an anti-Semite all one needs to do, after insulting all Jews everywhere, is to utter the words, "how could you come to think I am an anti-Semite, some of my best friends are Jews." And his most recent, as of Tuesday anyway, was bring back Pizzagate from the dead. A conspiracy that was buried deep into the damp cold earth almost a decade ago. 

I had set last December 31st as my exit from Twitter, now X, but laziness or complacency has kept me in place. Starting all over is a daunting thought. Sigh. There are so many folks still supporting my photography, and who have been very kind to me, so leaving is difficult. But, I have to admit, Threads is extremely similar, and Facebook is a lot nicer too, so maybe it really is time to just go this time. Oh brother. Or should I say, OH BOTHER. It had only taken Trump a little over a year to evenly divide America over Twitter, and Elon Musk a little over a year to destroy Twitter completely. Demonic entities are fast workers.

I will see my, Autumn Leaf Of The Day, project to the end. It only has a little less than a month to go, so why not complete it? I should leave the day after I post my last leaf, but December 31st seems like the right time go. Time for whoever wants to see the leaves be able to drop by for a last look, and time for me to let folks know where to find me if they want to. I will rebuild. I will jump in with the photography community. I will do what I did with Twitter... not look for the number of followers, and let each day play out the way it will. When Treat was alive, he encouraged we of like minds to stay and fight back against Musk's nonsense. Treat was worth doing that for, but now that he is gone there isn't a lot to hold onto. Xander is has moved on. Margo has moved on. Susan has moved on. Karen has moved on.
 It's time for me to move on as well. 
Why the HELL isn't there a support group for this kind of shit?

Note: The graphic isn't mine, it was the graphic Keith Olbermann added to his profile when he announced yesterday that he too would be leaving X. He suggested that we all add it to our profiles, but I am not sure it's my style. I am mulling it over.

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