Friday, October 06, 2023

The Little Green Punk Rocker Heron


“Fall has always been my favorite season. 
The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” 

~Lauren DeStefano

The thing I love most about birding, is how you will very often spot a bird you had no idea you would see. I went to the forebay the other day, in search of shorebirds and ducks, and came home with pics of cormorants, pelicans and this amazing bird, the Little Green Heron. I will never get tired of coming across this little bird. He's only about the size of a crow, making him the smallest of the herons in my area, but all those colors photograph so differently, depending on the time of day, and cloud cover. It's definitely a beauty. The poor little lizard it was eating for dinner probably wasn't as impressed as I was. Yikes! And doesn't he kinda look like punk is it's favorite music genre?


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