Tuesday, October 03, 2023

And Then This Happened...

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot.
 And suppose you were a member of Congress.
 But I repeat myself.”
~Mark Twain 
Okay, this was not unexpected, and yet when it happens I wonder why and how one party, the republicans, can be filled with such overwhelming stupidity and viciousness? Don't get me wrong, I can't stand Kevin McCarthy, he is a spineless simpleton, that has his head so far up Trump's ass he is now that thing on Trump's head. But damn, all McCarthy did was not kowtow to them. Oh wait... it all makes sense now! He stood up to them! But he didn't stop there. He also pissed off the Democrats. If he wouldn't have blamed the Democratic party for how close we got to the shut down, last Saturday, a few from across the aisle might have supported him. Especially considering it took our support to put a temporary stop gap in place on the dept ceiling last Saturday. Oh my... it's tough being an adult. It's tough being in politics. But one day, everybody has to choose who and what one wants to be and support.

This is the first time America has kicked a Speaker Of The House out of their position.This is how they choose to make history? Clowns!


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