Friday, September 29, 2023

Under Ibis Skies


“I loved autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it.” 
~Lee Maynard 

 The number of White-faced Ibis have doubled in the last week or so, which is a very nice turn of events. I love seeing them fly overhead in the late afternoon. They are so quiet. In fact, I don't remember having ever heard them as they fly, and only sometimes while they are on the ground. They make a funny little sound when eating, almost a nom nom nom sound only high pitched. The juvenile Ibis are green, mostly, while the adults are dark, almost burgundy and purple. When the sun hits them just right, their plumage is downright magical. Oh my. I better stop writing this post, or I am going to shuck off all responsibilities, grab my camera, and spend the rest of the afternoon photographing these fabulous birds! I wish, but alas, I can't. I have a BIG day planned with the camera for Friday, so the Ibis will have to wait. But maybe one day next week I will make the day all about them.


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