Sunday, September 24, 2023

Mr. And Mrs. Sandhill Crane


“If a year was tucked inside of a clock,
 then autumn would be the magic hour.”
~Victoria Erickson
Meet the Woodbridge Cranes. They came in on Friday, and at the moment there is just the two of them, but soon they will have company. There are several clusters of them dotting the farm country and the delta. I can't wait until I hear the sound of their wings, when they all fly together as one big ballet! By next week, I think there will be at least 50 or so at Woodbridge! Each red dot on the Sandhill Crane tracker, shows where they are being sighted, and how many where counted. It's a cool little took for keeping track when life gets to hectic to visit the reserve. Currently the count is 27. More to come!

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