Friday, November 04, 2022

The Ruby-crowned Kinglet And Autumn Leaf Of The Day #44

"If of all the seasons, there is a season in which a person completely forgets himself and constantly watches the magical environment, it is undoubtedly autumn!"
~Mehmet Murat ildan
This is the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. I looked most of last year, and a fair amount of this year, for this tiny creature, and then finally gave up thinking it was nothing more than an urban legend. LOL. Then yesterday, dear hubby caught a glimpse of it when it buzzed right at him, practically giving him a kiss, while he was sitting in the car at Cull Canyon Park. I was off photographing leaves, and as I returned to the car, I saw this gorgeous little bird, about the size of a hummingbird hanging around, buzzing really fast around my car. Isn't that always the way? And I left home without my SD card for my camera, and when I finally did find one in my purse, I snapped it into my camera and the camera broke! Yesterday was quite the adventure! But I finally have a Ruby-crowned Kinglet for my file, and with that bird I am at 122 for the year, with about 7 weeks left. What will my final number be? I don't know, but I do know I am going to see a lot of beauty between then and now, and hubby and I will help each other get there. Life is pretty good.


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