Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Mockingbirds, Ghosts, Winter Storms And Dracula

"Listen to the night sky; the mockingbird
 always sings you my lullaby."


The Northern Mockingbird is one of those birds that seem to be increasing in numbers, as the winter migration continues. They are such pretty birds, but they are difficult to photograph, they move really fast. I photographed this one at the Woodbridge Ecological Reserve in Lodi, California. I haven't seen one at my other haunt in Galt. And I haven't seen one in my neighborhood either, but one reason that might because we have some Scrub Jays, which seem a bit hostile and territorial, so I suppose that could be a reason. 
There is a big wind storm going on right now. I am in my office and it sounds like ghosts banging on the walls, and crying as they float through the house. It's not ghosts, but it's easy to imagine it could be. We have lived in our house going on six years, and I have never seen, or heard, a storm like the one that's happening right now. While it's kind of fun, I can only imagine the damage Stockton, and our yard in particular, will wake up to later today.
The night sky might have the sound of beautiful Mockingbirds, but tonight it carries the sounds of the an angry, powerful wind. Haunting and destructive. I hope all my bird friends are okay! The wind sounds like it would carry them away. It's spooky, which makes me very happy. It's almost like having autumn back! Maybe I will go watch a scary movie movie. I'm in the mood for Rosemary's Baby or perhaps, Halloween.


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