Thursday, January 16, 2020

*BIJOU* Another Thin Man

"The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the picture has started,
 and no one will tell you the plot,
 so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues."

Terry Pritchett
Moving Pictures 

It's the middle of January, obviously, but being sick during the year end holidays has put me behind with some things I thought would be fun to share, like that cool little marquee you see above! That is an awesome little light-box I gave Alan for Christmas. He and I put in a movie theater in the spare room a couple years ago, and it's a lot of fun, but the one thing missing was seeing the name we gave it up in lights. I love it. The sign fits really nicely, just above the entrance to the downstairs room we call the Bijou! As we go along I plan to add more features and decorations here and there, but for right now this is great! The Thin Man was the last movie we watched in 2019, one of our favorites! 

Mood: Happy
Me  :)

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