Friday, December 13, 2019

Mischieveous Autumn Love

"I would like to hold your hand as it holds this green leaf, yellowed, that fell early from it's tree, this autumn. And I would like to imagine that it feels your careful care, for your eyes are warmed by your heart, and I would let you sadly nestle into me as a bird folds into its nest, resigning itself to a storm. For my heart is as large as a city, and it glows with the fire that, with the right mischievous love, shall serve to inspire thousands upon thousands."

~Waylon H. Lewis
Things I Would Like To Do With You

I'm fighting my annual December cold. And I'm stressed out. But on the plus side, I ordered a small fruitcake, and all is right with the world! Hopefully, this weekend I will get out for the last autumn leaf hunt for the year, well officially anyway. I will continue to photograph the leaves as long as I can find them. I will keep looking, and hoping I see them well into spring, but if I don't find them, I will find other treasures of nature. Birds. Flowers. I snowflake. It's all waiting right outside the door! 

 #82 Leaf Of The Day
December 13th 2019
Nevada City, California

~Mood: Happy
~Me   :)

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