Monday, September 23, 2019

The Ethereal Corrective... Welcome To Autumn 2019

"But when fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since he saw you."

~Stephen King
Salem's Lot

It's here, and all is right with the world. We no it isn't. And I imagine things will be getting a lot worse, before they get any better, just like out of a horror novel, but it's a strange kind of okay, because today it's autumn again. The Equinox. A day that seems to me, to always feel a little more special than other days. I don't know if it's relief that comes from just knowing the painful heat is about to end, or if it's knowing another year has been handed it's official walking papers, but something, always, feels profoundly different to me. More so than if it was a simple matter of one season turning into the next. I swear I can feel the moment it happens. The moment autumn is born into another year! Hopefully there will be something magical that will happen, to lessen the despair the world is feeling. Maybe the slant of light, or ethereal corrective, will shut Trump's mouth for one afternoon, who knows? But even if that doesn't happen, it's still the first day of autumn, and all is right in that world.

And if it's the first day of autumn, it's time for the Leaf Of The Day project to begin again. It wouldn't be autumn for me without that day every year! And so it begins...

Autumn Leaf Of The Day

#1 Leaf Of The Day
September 23rd 2019
Cull Canyon

Mood: Happy

~Me  :)


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